Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1630, 24 Jun 15

Knowing Your Spouse’s Finances

I’m surprised by this statistic.

Yet 43% of people don’t know one of the most basic things about their spouses’ finances: how much they make.

Four in 10 married people surveyed by Fidelity could not correctly identify which salary range their spouse falls into. About 10% of those who got it wrong were off by more than $25,000.
It’s not just women, or men, who are in the dark. Both were wrong 43% of the time.

I can see someone not being able to exactly identify their spouse’s income, but to not be within a range? Or to be off by $25k!? Clearly those couples don’t have any communication on budgeting their spending either.


1630, 24 June 2015


  1. Jadedly Unbiased

    To whom it may concern,
    Posting under someone else’s screen name is as cowardly as it gets. I am not intimidated by your actions. I will continue to post under MY screen name. For anyone who has been threatened or offended I share in your disgust. I will notify the authorities with all information I’m able to gather. This cowardly behavior will not be tolerated.

    The Real- Jadedly Unbiased

  2. Dan

    Gee, Jade, either one of you kind of well, behave in the same manner.

  3. Jadedly Unbiased

    Thanks Dan but I don’t think so.

  4. Captain Ned

    Do modern couples keep joint checking accounts? It never occurred to us back in 1990 to NOT set up our finances on a joint basis. Everything’s joint except for the work-based retirement accounts where we’re each other’s primary beneficiary.

    His money/Her money = wrong
    Our money = right

    I’m old. Get off my lawn.

  5. Hello

    Captain Ned,

    It makes sense when you have 1 saver and 1 spender. If the spender can not control themselves and has full access to the paychecks they may have it in their best interest to not know what’s available.

  6. Owen

    I’m with Captain Ned. When we got married, it never even occurred to me to keep separate accounts. It requires us to communicate about how much we are putting in and where it is being spent, but I just assumed that was part of the deal.

  7. Hello

    I don’t disagree with you. In a perfect world that is the right solution. More often than not you have one person who just doesn’t want any of the responsibility. Too often both don’t want to pay attention.

  8. Captain Ned

    @ Hello:

    Come September, it’ll be 25 years for us. Our only monthly debt payments are the mortgage and the credit card. Since the card is used as a payment agglomeration device the monthly payment is high, but paid in full.

  9. Mark Maley

    We got married the week after my last game my junior year in college . I got knocked out and didn’t know where I was or who we were playing . I did know I was getting married

    We had $150 in one account .her nursing job bought groceries and my scholarship paid for
    The apartment , books and tuition

    We didn’t live in married student housing because it was $50/ month more than the scholarship paid for .

    the wedding was champaign punch and finger sandwiches and has lasted 43 years

    Owens point is well made .
    My wife likes to keep the economy in high gear . I prefer holding on to $

    One checking account kept us both happy

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