Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

1022, 05 Jun 15

Ray Cross Backs off of Pledge to Resign

Of course he did… he’s got a pretty sweet gig.

Earlier this year, University of Wisconsin System president Ray Cross vowed at a UW-Milwaukee forum to resign if three conditions weren’t met by the state Legislature: a substantial reduction to Gov. Scott Walker’s $300 million budget cut and the preservation of faculty tenure and shared governance policies.

Thursday, back at UW-Milwaukee, Cross said he’s not going anywhere as president despite claims by some that he failed to get the desired results from the Legislature. Cross disagrees.

“All three of those factors are in place,” he told reporters during a break in a Board of Regents meeting.

He called a proposed reduction of the $300 million cut by Walker to the $250 million approved recently by the Legislature’s budget committee “significant, a major movement.”


1022, 05 June 2015


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