Boots & Sabers

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1543, 24 Apr 15

Johnson Votes to Confirm Lynch

It’s difficult to get motivated to support Johnson for his reelection next year when Johnson is voting the same way Feingold would have.

U.S. Sens. Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson both voted to confirm Loretta Lynch as attorney general.

Lynch’s nomination, which had been held up in a fight over a human trafficking bill and the president’s executive actions on immigration, cleared the Senate yesterday at 56-43.

Johnson, R-Oshkosh, cited Lynch’s law enforcement credentials and deference to the president in selecting his cabinet for his support. He was one of 10 Senate Republicans to back the nomination.


1543, 24 April 2015


  1. Dave

    So he should vote against her just because Obama wants her? This is the heart of the problem we face in politics today. The government ran much better when Republicans and Democrats drank together.

  2. Dan

    No, he should have voted against her because she promises to be another Eric Holder and refuses to enforce the law. She will allow Obama to continue to break the law.
    That’s why he should have voted against her and he is just another RINO.

  3. Jadedly Unbiased

    Good-bad, black-white, big-small, Rino-Ashcroft. Every President gets his cabinet. Get over it.

  4. Mark Maley

    Love the idea that every day she was delayed , conservatives got another day of Eric Holder.

    Priceless !

  5. Northern Pike

    Don’t you understand that Democrats are inherently unqualified to serve as cabinet secretaries and it profanes the constitution for one to get confirmed as long as Republicans have at least 41 members in the U.S. Senate?

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