Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

0705, 18 Mar 15

Mailman Convicted After Throwing Away Republicans’ Mailers

It’s nice to see a little accountability.

Rickey Krueger, a mail carrier for the Neenah post office, was convicted last week in U.S. District Court in Green Bay of mishandling the mail. After negotiations with prosecutors, Krueger agreed to plead guilty, quit his job and pay a fine of $750.

EARLIER: Charges filed against Krueger

The 879 mailings were sent out near the end of October, in advance of the Nov. 4 election. The flyers were candidates that court records would only identify by initials. However, a party spokesman told Press-Gazette Media this week that the mailings were for state Assembly candidate Mike Rohrkaste of Neenah and U.S. congressional candidate Glenn Grothman of Campbellsport.

Both candidates won their races with about 57 percent of available votes.

Krueger denied political motives, saying he had a sore shoulder and felt overwhelmed by the number of mailings, so he threw them in a dumpster instead of delivering them. He said he’d never done it before.


0705, 18 March 2015


  1. Kevin scheunemann

    Why did he just throw away Republican flyers then?

    Claiming the bag was heavy means he should have thrown Democrat flyers in equal amounts. Marxist mailman probably have a special code for no work is too heavy for the Marxist cause of liberals.

  2. Owen

    Or maybe Republican flyers were heavier because they were filled with more content?

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