Boots & Sabers

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1833, 16 Mar 15

Walker’s Story About Reagan Bible

Was correct.

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — An official at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library on Monday sought to clarify her account of how Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker came to handle a family Bible the late president used when taking the oath of office.

Library registrar Jennifer Torres said a “simple misunderstanding” left the wrong impression that Walker personally sought to hold the book. A spokeswoman for the Reagan Foundation says Walker’s retelling of the moment is correct.

I wonder if all of the lefties who have been slamming Walker for this will retract their comments and apologize.


1833, 16 March 2015


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    It seems pretty normal for lefties to get upset when someone handles, or reads, the Bible.

    That is always disappointing.

  2. steveegg

    Kevin Scheunemann says:

    March 16, 2015 at 9:19 pm

    It seems pretty normal for lefties to get upset when someone handles, or reads, the Bible.

    That is always disappointing.

    It’s almost as if lefties suffer physical pain if they handle or read the Bible.

  3. Northern Pike

    Or maybe poor Jennifer Torres was right the first time and got thrown under the bus.

  4. Kevin Scheunemann


    How is defending and standing up for politicians who are God fearing, like Reagan and Wlaker, being thrown “under the bus”?

    There Christian duty is to correct the record if there is false witnessing (which was happening on liberal side of the aisle on this) about events going on.

    Jennifer was just standing up for principles both politicians believe in.

  5. Northern Pike

    She told two separate stories. When Story Number One reflected poorly on an important figure in the conservative movement, Story Number Two magically appeared. Given a choice between making Jennifer Torres look bad or making Scott Walker look bad, the Reagan Foundation opted for Story Number Two.

    Story Number One may or may not be less believable than Story Number Two. But to say that Story Number Two absolutely, positively settles things is either biased or naïve.

  6. Kevin Scheunemann

    Pike said,

    “When Story Number One reflected poorly on an important figure in the conservative movement,”

    Even if, for sake of argument, the false version of events (#1) is true, it is still no real big deal next to the lying, secretive, anti-transparency of Hillary Clinton and her emails.

    If librals held Hillary to the same standard as you hold Walker, she would be crying in a fetal position and begging to step out of presidential race.

    However, since Jennifer Torres clarified events, I believe version #2 and the simple correction of a previous misunderstanding.

    Its easier to believe the correction here because Walker is honest. Hillary is not.

  7. Northern Pike

    Jennifer Torres = Hillary Clinton.

    Glad we got that cleared up.

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