Boots & Sabers

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1317, 14 Mar 15

Pastor Seeks Donations for $65 Million Private Jet

Somehow I don’t think that’s what God had in mind.

ATLANTA (AP) — The ministry of a prominent Georgia megachurch pastor and evangelist who teaches that God wants to bless the faithful with earthly riches is seeking donations to buy a luxury jet valued at more than $65 million.

The website of Creflo Dollar Ministries asked people Friday to “Sow your love gift of any amount” to help the ministry buy a Gulfstream G650 airplane. Dollar and his wife, Taffi, are co-pastors of World Changers International Church in College Park, just south of Atlanta.

Dollar is one of the most prominent African-American preachers based around Atlanta who have built successful ministries on the prosperity gospel. Ministers in this tradition often hold up their own wealth as evidence that the teaching works.


1317, 14 March 2015


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    While I don’t share the idea that “prosperity gospel” is biblical, the ministry seems to get the main point of justification through Christ correct–salvation by grace/faith alone.

    But you are right Owen, a luxury jet does not exactly look like a humble servant of Christ.

    James 1:9 probably the best on this:

    “Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position.”

    Although Luke 14:11 is true here also:

    “For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

    Christ’s call for humility among his servants is where the “prosperity gospel” conflicts with scripture.

  2. Paul

    “Members of the ministry travel for much of the year bringing their message, food and supplies to people around the world, Engelmayer said. They need a plane that’s fuel efficient, faster, with enough cargo capacity and enough seats, he said.”

    This is laughable because on Gulfstream’s own specs page, the usable baggage volume is 195 cubic feet, about the size of a 6′ x 5′ shed.

    If it was about bringing food and supplies around the world, there are numerous late model cargo planes available for a 1/5 to 1/4 the cost of a G650.

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