Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2024, 02 Jan 15

Obamas Enjoy Expensive Meal

The Obamas are getting heat for this.

Washington (CNN) — After ringing in the New Year with a low-key celebration with family and friends, the first couple enjoyed their first dinner of 2015 at one of the swankiest restaurants in Hawaii.

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama enjoyed a nearly three-hour, multi-course meal Thursday night at Vintage Cave, an exclusive fine dining restaurant in Honolulu.

With a prix-fixe meal of $295 per person and expensive wines likely paired with the haute cuisine meal, a dinner for two can run upwards of $1,000, according to Honolulu Magazine.

Meh… they are millionaires and they went out for an expensive meal. While the taxpayers pay for their security, I believe the Obamas do pay for the meal themselves (assuming someone else didn’t pick up the bill). So what?


2024, 02 January 2015


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