Boots & Sabers

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2045, 15 Dec 14

What To Do With Transgender Kids in Sports

They are trying to figure it out in Baraboo.

The policy allows transgender students who identify as male to participate on male sports teams only if they have begun testosterone therapy, and transgender students who identify as female to participate on female sports teams only if they have been medically documented as having undergone testosterone suppression therapy for one year.

Baraboo School Board vice president and policy committee chairman Doug Mering said that while there are no transgender students attending Baraboo schools to his knowledge, the board wanted to have a policy in place.

It makes sense for the school board to try to figure this out. It’s better to think about it and come up with a policy before they actually have a kid waiting to join a team. Julaine Appling has a good point, though.

Appling said the policy also can’t stand on its own because it doesn’t include policies for use of restrooms or locker rooms.

It seems that any policy should include what should happen with restrooms and locker rooms. It will be the issue that comes up on the very first day of practice.

Overall, schools will have transgender kids in them and they deserve the same educational and extracurricular opportunities as any other kid. The trick is to figure out a way to extend those opportunities while still ensuring the safety and propriety of every other kid too. Easier said than done.


2045, 15 December 2014

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    A School Board clearly in search of things to do.

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