Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0700, 12 Nov 14

Spreading Putin’s Seed

The funny part is imagining Putin making the donations. I assume he’ll have a staff take care of that.

The Russian-language newspaper, Trust, is reporting that an actual lawmaker—albeit one with a history of strange ideas—has introduced to the State Duma a bill that proposes extending the greatness of Russia by having children using the sperm of Vladimir Putin. To the best of our research, the Observer is the first to translate this strange proposal into English.

“The essence of my proposition is simple”, says the chairwoman of Parliamentary Commission on Women’s Affairs, Children and Family, Yelena Borisovna Mizoulina. “Each female citizen of Russia will be able to receive by mail the genetic material of the President, get pregnant from him and have a baby. These mothers will be receiving special allowances from the government.”


0700, 12 November 2014


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