Boots & Sabers

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2156, 10 Nov 14

Iran’s Leader Calls for Elimination of Israel

Just in case you were thinking that Iran wasn’t an issue anymore. Good thing our foreign policy is so effective nowadays.

The Iranian leader made his call for Israel to be “annihilated” on Twitter over the weekend. Mixed in with tweets insisting that Iran is committed to diplomacy on other issues, Khamenei posted a series of tweets slamming Israel. Among them was a document called “9 key questions about elimination of Israel.”

While he and other Iranian leaders have spoken similarly of Israel in the past, the one-page document, packed with specific details, was new.

It says the “proper way of eliminating Israel” is for “all the original people of Palestine including Muslims, Christians and Jews wherever they are, whether inside Palestine, in refugee camps in other countries or just anywhere else, take part in a public and organized referendum.” The “Jewish immigrants who have been persuaded into emigration to Palestine do not have the right to take part,” he adds.

It’s unclear who Khamenei thinks the “original people of Palestine” are, given that the region’s history dates back thousands of years and includes countless waves of immigration and exile.


2156, 10 November 2014


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