Boots & Sabers

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2159, 31 Oct 14

U.S. Marine Released From Mexican Jail


(CNN) — The family of U.S. Marine reservist Andrew Paul Tahmooressi, who’d been held for seven months in a Mexican prison, is “overjoyed” he’s been released.

“It is with an overwhelming and humbling feeling of relief that we confirm that Andrew was released today after spending 214 days in Mexican jail,” relatives said in a statement Friday night.

A court ordered that Tahmooressi, who’d been held on weapons charges, be freed, a Mexican federal government press release said.


The Richardson Center for Global Engagement said in a Facebook posting that Bill Richardson, the former governor of New Mexico, visited Tahmooressi last week at El Hongo federal prison in Mexico and was instrumental in securing his release.

U.S. Reps. Ed Royce (R-California) and Matt Salmon (R-Arizona) issued statements thanking Mexican authorities for showing compassion.


2159, 31 October 2014


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