Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0650, 20 Oct 14

Suspected Foreign Submarine Patrols Swedish Waters

Russia? Captain Nemo?

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) – Sweden released on Sunday a grainy photo of a mysterious vessel in Stockholm’s archipelago, as the military hunted for a foreign submarine or divers in the country’s biggest such mobilization since the Cold War.

The search in the Baltic Sea less than 30 miles (50 km) from Stockholm began on Friday and reawakened memories of the final years of the Cold War when Sweden repeatedly sought out suspected Soviet submarines along its coast with depth charges.

The military showed one picture of what appeared to be a craft surrounded by white ripples. The witness who took the photograph said the vessel then submerged — one of three sightings that the military said were credible reports.


0650, 20 October 2014


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