Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2018, 11 Oct 14

Family Mistakenly Told Kid was Dead

Wanna get away?

That’s what troopers did, going to the Priest home in Palmer before dawn to relay the horrific news.

Then, Priest’s father called Juneau police to verify it was his son who died in the accident. A Juneau officer said it was.

But a different Justin Priest had died, one who was 33, as police noted in their press release, and from Juneau.

The Justin Priest whose parents were contacted is 29, according to the Alaska Dispatch News, and from south Anchorage, about 570 miles away by air or boat and 850 miles by car from Juneau.

The parents of the 29-year-old thought their son was dead when they went to his house early Thursday morning.

They knocked on the door. And guess who answered, according to the Dispatch News?

Their son Justin, alive and well.


2018, 11 October 2014


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