Boots & Sabers

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1123, 05 Oct 14

Fight for the Female Vote


The fight for the female vote comes as the race remains razor-thin, despite a massive gender divide. Last week’s Marquette University Law School poll showed Walker with a 28-point lead among men, but Burke with a 14-point advantage among women.

Have you ever noticed how these stories are positioned as the candidates needing to woo the female vote? It appears to me that Burke has a lot of work to do to woo the male vote.


1123, 05 October 2014


  1. Steve Austin

    Yep. Burke is facing one of the largest gender gaps of any race ever.

    I am sure a headline like “How can Burke appeal to male voters” will be coming in the MJS any day now. Or it would if they had any journalistic ethics left.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    For Burke to woo the male vote, she would have to have a rational economic plan for the State.

    Supporting Obamacare, higher taxation, not supporting ACT 10, and having an unending appetite to spend other people’s money does not sit well with male voters in general…since they do a majority of the taxpaying and producing in this state.

    If MSJ had any ethics, they would run the headline:

    Why does Burke not care about male voters?

  3. Amy P.

    For Burke to woo the male vote, she would have to have a rational economic plan for the State.

    Supporting Obamacare, higher taxation, not supporting ACT 10, and having an unending appetite to spend other people’s money does not sit well with male voters in general…since they do a majority of the taxpaying and producing in this state.

    As a woman, I find it interesting that the people who support Burke assume these things aren’t important to me. No. I’m supposed to support Burke because she’s a woman and something something something…free birth control! or some other such nonsense.

  4. Gee

    Nah, it’s not about the adjective. It’s about the verb — because only women can be “wooed” for their votes, while men are so rational in the voting booth, dontchaknow.

    This isn’t about Burke. This is about stupid media fixations and memes.

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