Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0650, 01 Oct 14

Racial Disparity in Illinois’ Concealed Carry Permits

Interesting data here.

The majority of Illinois’ 73,714 active concealed carry licenses — 90 percent — have been issued to white people, demographic data shows. Only eight percent of African-Americans have secured licenses, according to the FOIA information.

Within Cook County, the top five concealed carry ZIP codes per capita are all predominately white, middle class and are in areas that have low crime rates. However, the most violent neighborhoods within the county — all of which are on the South Side of Chicago — are predominately black, where residents earn less than $48,000 annually and hold the fewest concealed carry licenses as a percentage of the population.


0650, 01 October 2014


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