Boots & Sabers

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1907, 28 Jan 25

Shrimp Fraud is Rampant


SeaD Consulting, a food safety technology company, tested shrimp from randomly chosen restaurants in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Biloxi, Mississippi; Galveston, Texas; and Tampa Bay, Florida. Researchers found a significant number of the restaurants were passing off their shrimp as locally sourced, even though they were grown on foreign farms and imported to the U.S.


The cities with the highest “shrimp fraud rate” were Tampa Bay and St. Petersburg, Florida, at 96%, according to SeaD Consulting. Only two of the 44 restaurants sampled were serving authentic shrimp from the Gulf of Mexico, a study found.


1907, 28 January 2025

1 Comment

  1. Tuerqas

    I dunno, at this point with all of the plastics and mercury in ‘wild’ caught seafood, perhaps a decent farming operation is a better choice for health reasons. Don’t lie about the source, just use better marketing. I think you could make a good advertising campaign for responsibly farm raised seafood as being the better health choice.

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