Boots & Sabers

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1357, 13 Jan 24

Principal Who Kicked Kids Out to Make Room for Illegals Rejects Criticism

The hubris of education bureaucrats is astonishing.

The principal of a Brooklyn high school that forced children to learn from home the day after 2,000 migrants moved in for a night has hit back at parents who criticized the decision.


‘How dare someone say that I don’t care about kids,’ James Madison High School principal Jodie Cohen told parents on a Zoom call on Tuesday, the New York Post reported. 


Parents were left outraged after their children were ordered to learn from home when the migrants were evacuated from Floyd Bennett Field because of a torrential rain storm.


‘I don’t understand how people who never come on a Zoom like this could take an opportunity like this evening to throw mud,’ Cohen said, according to the Post.


Cohen told parents on the call that she made the decision to move the children to remote learning on Wednesday because she didn’t know when classrooms would be ready again after the migrants were bused back to their shelter.

Oh, we dare. She prioritized housing illegal aliens in the buildings to support a political agenda instead of using those buildings to educate children. She made her priorities clear.


1357, 13 January 2024


  1. Jason

    The hubris from these parents is astonishing as well. Illegal border crossing has been an issue for years and years and years… its only when their snowflake children have to spend 1 day home is it suddenly an issue. The Republicans are winning this battle is such subtle ways, the left can’t even understand that they’re being exposed while we watch.

  2. dad29

    On further review: the school in question is in a Republican sector of Brooklyn (there is one!)

    So naturally, the Democrats “randomly” picked this school for an infestation of invaders.

  3. Jason

    And just as randomly… Mayor Adams did a photo op visit at 4am.

  4. Tuerqas

    >On further review: the school in question is in a Republican sector of Brooklyn (there is one!)

    Ah, now this article makes sense.

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