Boots & Sabers

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0647, 31 May 23

Republican Councilwoman Gunned Down

It truly is amazing how the police never seem to figure out the motive when a Republican or conservative is murdered.

A Virginia man has been arrested for the murder of New Jersey councilwoman Eunice Dwumfour, who was gunned down outside her home in February.




Officials did not discuss a possible motive and did not take questions from reporters.

Ciccone called it a “complex, extensive case.”



Dwumfour, a business analyst and a part-time emergency medical technician, was elected as a Republican to the Sayreville Borough Council in 2021, defeating an incumbent Democrat.


0647, 31 May 2023


  1. jonnyv

    Hinting that this is politically motivated when you have no idea. Was there a note? Nope. Did they know each other before hand? Yes.

    This could be politically motivated, no doubt. But it could also be a spurned and upset man.

    But in general, for some reason it is real easy to pick motives when the suspect is covered in nazi tattoos. Or when they leave a 60 page message. or when they have years of nutbag history on their social media.

  2. Jason

    We are cognizent that the apparent actions (lack of) that the FBI has taken when investigating a friend’s sons criminal activities… Add to that the lack of leads of a shooting that happened months ago to an unfriendly politician… There might be a pattern. If only Trump or someone involved in the Jan 6 mixup had messaged or even smiled at her killer, that person would be a lifer by now.

  3. Jason

    >But in general, for some reason it is real easy to pick motives when the suspect is covered in nazi tattoos. Or when they leave a 60 page message. or when they have years of nutbag histo

    Or bump into a security gate and have a Nazi Flag in their vehicle. Then the charges are attempted murder of the President… Until SS find out the perp is an illegal alien… Then the charges are reversed the same day!

  4. MjM

    JV blabs: “ Or when they leave a 60 page message. or when they have years of nutbag history on their social media.”

    Ya mean like that boygirl who murdered six at that Tennessee Cat’lic school, three months ago?

    Still waiting on those 60 pages.

  5. jonnyv

    MJM. After just an ounce of research it sounds like the families of the victims are the ones who are not sure if they want the manifesto released and may be fighting it. Fearing future similar attacks. Personally, I think it SHOULD be released and studied.

  6. MjM

    JV snorts: “After just an ounce of research….”

    Therein lies your perpetual problem, JV.

    Had you researched a couple of pounds you might have found that nowhere has it been revealed the “families” are parents/spouses of those killed. Indeed, the lawyerman for the “families” claims to have in his pocket 100 out of the 112 “families” the school has.

    None have standing. Even if there is one parent/spouse of an actual victim in the lawyerman’s crowd. None have right to bury these documents.

    The Metro Nashville Police Dept, which first announced with the TN Gov they would release the manifesto “soon”, then falsely claimed they could hide the docs while the “investigation” continues. However, the TN Supreme Court ruled 40 years ago that the rule cited by MNPD was not applicable if the investigation is “not relevant to any pending or contemplated criminal action.” There is no criminal action being pursued. The perp is dead. There is no criminal action to pursue. Furthermore, the rule allows only actual victims to petition for suppression of specific information. Not relatives. Not Friends. Not near-bys. As the six actual victims were all killed by this psycho, they don’t have that ability.

    And the the lawyerlassie for the county declared on May 6 that almost all of the manifesto should not be released to the public, yet 8 days later she claimed in a court filing attempt to kill release that there just too many pages they had not yet reviewed.

    Funny how she knew, but didn’t.

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