Boots & Sabers

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1802, 27 May 23

Republicans Hold Republican Accountable in Texas

Would that Democrats ever saw fit to hold their own accountable.

The Texas House of Representatives voted to impeach and immediately suspend Attorney General Ken Paxton on Saturday by a vote of 121-23, with two members present not voting and three absent.


House Speaker Dade Phelan voted “yes” on the resolution.


The matter will now head to the Texas Senate, where lawmakers will hold a trial for the attorney general. Paxton’s wife, Angela, is a senator and could vote on his removal.


“Honesty and doing the right thing matter,” said Rep. Andrew Murr, R-Junction, who chairs the General Investigating Committee that initiated the impeachment proceedings, during closing statements. “They matter to me, and I know that they matter to you.”


1802, 27 May 2023


  1. dad29

    It will be VERY interesting to learn all the facts on this case.

  2. Owen

    Yeah, while the Paxton camp is portraying this as a move by leftists and RINOs to take down a conservative fighter, the evidence seems pretty clear that he is both a conservative fighter and an unethical sleazebag. One can be both.

    As a side note, Texas politics can be fun because of the plural executive structure of government. This often leads to several elected members of the executive branch waring with each other for supremacy even as they are ideologically very similar. But the fragmentation of executive power helps keep us free. Not even the executive branch wants to consolidate power because each elected member of the branch jealously guards their power. Unlike Wisconsin, with its powerful governor, the Texas governor is one of the weakest in the nation. That’s on purpose.

  3. dad29

    Usually, serial marital infidelity is found in sleazers, so Paxton is off to a bad start. But then, he claims to have a solid defense.

    Wisconsin does have a potent AG office–if held by someone with cojones. That’s not been the case for at least 20 years. Texas does have something we don’t: a Land Commissioner who apparently has quite a large remit.

  4. Owen

    Indeed. The Railroad Commissioners are arguably the most powerful state office because they have control over oil extraction and transport. By proxy, this also gives them incredible power over state finances.

  5. dad29

    The Railroad Commissioners are arguably the most powerful state office because they have control over oil extraction and transport.

    Thanks for the course-correction to “Railroad” Commissioners. I get how they have influence over the transportation of stuff, but the extraction?

    Ah, well…….

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