Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2058, 20 Feb 23

More Guns Being Confiscated at Airports

I suspect that this is just a statistical correlation to the number of people carrying guns now. I doubt that many, if any, were “attempting to bring their guns through airport security.” More likely, they forgot they had it on them.

An assault rifle and 163 rounds of ammunition taken from a man about to board a plane in New Orleans on Valentine’s Day is an example of a trend identified by US officials.

In some parts of the country, more passengers are attempting to bring their guns through airport security.


While 2022 was a record year for guns found at US airport checkpoints, the TSA says, 2023 may well beat it.


Officers in Seattle, Washington DC and Indianapolis have all raised the alarm.

The TSA intercepted a record 6,542 guns at airport checkpoints across the US last year. Some 88% of them were loaded with ammunition.


2058, 20 February 2023


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