Boots & Sabers

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0914, 24 Jun 22


SCOTUS Overrules Roe and Casey

Hallelujah. Pray for peace.

Held: The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives

5-1-3. I admit… I did not think I would see this in my lifetime.

Interesting note from the ruling:

our decision is not based on any view about when a State should regard prenatal life as having rights or legally cognizable interests,

So the ruling still leaves it to state legislatures to decide when life begins and when rights are imbued. In this way, the ruling leaves an open question for future litigation.


0914, 24 June 2022



  1. penquin

    Dunno if it was just wishful thinking on their part or if an actual plan is being put into place, but some WI-GOP lawmakers are already talking about re-instating capital punishment in WI so it can be applied to doctors who performs an abortion. (and maybe woman who get ’em too? I wasn’t privy to the entire convo)

    Gonna be an interesting election season for sure…

  2. Mar

    Yeah, Penquin, anybody who believes that is dumb as a gnat

  3. dad29

    some WI-GOP lawmakers are already talking about re-instating capital punishment in WI

    You were there, listening? Exactly where and when? Who were the parties involved? Why were you there?

    Inquiring minds, and all that.

  4. penquin

    “We’re the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner. We make your bed. We guard you while you’re asleep. We drive the ambulances. We direct your call. We are cooks and taxi drivers and we know everything about you. We process your insurance claims and credit card charges.”

    (taken from one of the few examples, IMHO, of where the movie is better than the book…and while it is taken from a work of fiction, the quote is absolutely applicable in this case.)

    And could someone please explain why it is dumb to beleive that murderers should be punished for committing murder?

  5. dad29

    Can’t respond to my questions, P? Caught in a fabrication? Hmmmmmm????

  6. penquin

    >Can’t respond to my questions, P?

    Response was made on June 25, 2022 at 9:37 am. Seeing how it was way too cryptic for you I’ll explain it more clearly: Overheard ’em talking while I was working.

    That said, I asked a question which you couldn’t respond to. Does that mean I scored some sort of points in whatever game it is ya’ll are playing? Ain’t quite sure how the rules go, but this reminds me a lot of Calvinball.

  7. dad29

    “We’re the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner. We make your bed. We guard you while you’re asleep. We drive the ambulances. We direct your call. We are cooks and taxi drivers and we know everything about you. We process your insurance claims and credit card charges.”

    (taken from one of the few examples, IMHO, of where the movie is better than the book…and while it is taken from a work of fiction, the quote is absolutely applicable in this case.)

    And could someone please explain why it is dumb to beleive that murderers should be punished for committing murder?

    That’s the entirety of your “response” to my questions about the rumors and/or fabrications you slapped into this thread? Which universe do you actually live in?

    Then you said ‘overheard them at work’–in a separate comment. Not exactly a response to the “where” and “who”, is it?

  8. penquin

    Could someone please explain why ya’ll think it is there is no way what-so-ever that Republican lawmakers would be talking about using the death penalty on murderers? ’cause ya’ll are being silly as shit over this….

  9. Jason

    Penny the troll strikes again. Comment after comment of innuendo and no facts or truths to be found.

  10. dad29

    Personally, I’d be happy to use the DP on the 20% of white Americans who are hell-bent on destroying this country. Of course, there would be a trial. Maybe by fire. And “peers”? Nope. Don’t need Marxists on that jury.

    There. You have something you can tell the truth about!

  11. Merlin

    With a full month’s notice I was expecting a much larger rage response. Inflation must be eating into their budgets too. The sex abstention threats are quite amusing, although not at all new. I fully support and would advocate on behalf of their refusal to participate in the procreation process. Support that choice all the way to their graves. Not quite what Margaret Sanger had in mind, but abstinence still fulfills her vision.

  12. Tuerqas

    >Dunno if it was just wishful thinking on their part or if an actual plan is being put into place, but some WI-GOP lawmakers are already talking about re-instating capital punishment in WI so it can be applied to doctors who performs an abortion. (and maybe woman who get ’em too? I wasn’t privy to the entire convo)

    Please answer the question Penquin as you made me do on a separate occasion. Which lawmakers did you partially overhear? And if it isn’t pure metaphor, what (in your words) menial job were you performing when you overheard this partial conversation?

  13. dad29

    He didn’t answer my questions on the same topic. There’s a lot of fiction out there……

  14. penquin

    >Please answer the question Penquin as you made me do on a separate occasion.

    I don’t beleive I have “made you” do anything. You make your own choices, no?

    That aside, I have no desire to dox myself anymore than I already have. It is pretty obvious that the only reason Jad29 & Dason are insisting nothing of the sorts ever happened is due to their own personal bias and false assumptions they have about moi, and it is extremely doubtful that anything could be said that can crack through their deeply held, but completely false, prejudiced beleifs & thoughts.

  15. Jason

    >It is pretty obvious that the only reason Jad29 & Dason are insisting nothing of the sorts ever happened is due to their own personal bias and false assumptions they have about moi,

    More lies. Typical liberal union thug behaviors.

    >and it is extremely doubtful that anything could be said that can crack through their deeply held, but completely false, prejudiced beleifs & thoughts.

    Penguin tells lies and can’t spell. All these long winded “I’m being bullied” false narratives, trying to win over exactly who? And the chump called Penguin can’t even spell belief correctly. Pure trash.

  16. penquin

    “Never trust a man who has only one way to spell a word”

    And never trust a person who constantly calls people names and makes personal attack & threats, but insists that they are not trying to bully anyone at all….

  17. Tuerqas

    And never trust a man who writes words and then disowns them? Got it.
    You are correct, you did not make me do anything. You asked and I answered, part of reasonable, respectful discourse. I ask and you sidestep as always, showing no respect as you have since the beginning. You whine about taking personal attacks constantly now, but it seems to me that you deserve them more and more. You never defend your words that require defense, you just nitpick comment on some small aspect of the question in any and all comments that ask.

    One who writes apparent lies and does not defend them, lies in truth.

    You doxed yourself? Really? What malicious intent did you have for yourself? Lying? I guess that makes sense. I mean, if you really did overhear actual Rep politicians talking, that has no malice if it was the truth, it just needs a little more explanation. I guess you could be considered to be doxing the politicians, maybe, if they were named and you believe the information to be damning, but not yourself.

    Yes Dad, I know you already asked, but I thought I’d try it a little more respectfully. Same answer as always.

  18. Jason

    >but insists that they are not trying to bully anyone at all….

    Want to prove that little lie, Pengiun?

  19. penquin


    You recently stated you went up North for a lil’ trip. How would you have responded if someone said that must be a lie unless you told us the name of everyone who went with you and the address of where your trip started and where you went to? And for good measures, let us know your place of employment as well….and they go on to claim that failure to comply somehow proves that you fabricated the whole thing. Do you honestly beleive that would have been a rational&reasonable request that you would have promptly&directly answered? (Note: I ain’t accusing you of lying about that, just wondering how you would have handled it if someone had)

    I haven’t “disowned” anything I’ve written here, and to claim I always side-step everything asked of me is either intentional hyperbole and/or absolutely delusional. Ya’ll really need to stop obsessing over lil’ ol’ me and start looking at the actual topics….(and yes, when ya’ll are constantly talking about me in comment-after-comment-after-comment, even in threads I am not even participating in, that is definitely an obsession)

    Speaking of the actual topic: If abortion is killing a baby then why is it unfathomable that Republicans would consider using the death penalty on those who commit those murders?

  20. jonnyv

    If life starts at conception, does that make every child conceived in the US a US citizen immediately?

  21. penquin

    >If life starts at conception, does that make every child conceived in the US a US citizen immediately?

    Am pretty sure it is already phrased as “born” rather than “living person”, so that wouldn’t apply. I say it should be changed, but the GOP is already against the idea of birthright citizenship so doubtful it would get much traction in their ranks.

    However, shouldn’t child support start being enforced from the moment of conception? The GOP introduced such a bill in the Senate a couple years ago but it didn’t really go anywhere. Given the recent changes in the laws of our land that needs to be addressed.

  22. Tuerqas

    >How would you have responded if someone said that must be a lie unless you told us the name of everyone who went with you and the address of where your trip started and where you went to?

    Why, I would have laughed, of course. But my trip was not germane to the topic and that is the biggest reason I would have laughed. I would have called it an ignorant segue, a really stupid attempt to sidetrack the topic. Now if I had mentioned that my sister-in-law is Ron Johnson’s scheduler (she is) and repeated here something controversial and germane she mentioned over the week, I would likely be expected to say more and I would know that. That is why I would not bring it up.

    Whether you are a liberal or not, you are clearly not pro-Republican (not something to be ashamed of) and you are willing to defend liberals at the drop of a hat (on every topic so far, save gun control that I have seen). Unless you are a LOT more discreet at your menial job, that would be clear to just about everyone you spoke to concerning anything political.
    With that in mind, it is hard to believe that you are privy to Republican officer’s conversations. If you don’t wish to share any more facts sustaining your original statement, I perfectly understand as I am sure that menial job would be in immediate danger of being lost were people to find out your lack of ability for tact. OTOH, I bet you can fathom why the people here have trouble believing your unsupported ‘facts’.

    >I haven’t “disowned” anything I’ve written here, and to claim I always side-step everything asked of me is either intentional hyperbole and/or absolutely delusional.

    Disowning it is not defending or supporting it so I stand by my statement. And no, you have never engaged in any topic with ME (I did not say ‘everything asked of me’ because that would be a stupid thing to say…you said it). Repeat one Owen posted topic you have discussed with me, refresh my memory.

    >Ya’ll really need to stop obsessing over lil’ ol’ me and start looking at the actual topics.

    BWAHA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!! Thanks for the self-deprecating joke, it was a corker.

  23. Tuerqas

    >If life starts at conception, does that make every child conceived in the US a US citizen immediately?

    It does not, and that is just one of the linchpins in my belief that there should be no laws concerning abortion until (at the very least) the baby can be birthed and expected to live (and yes, this should be updated as medical advances occur). Others include that if the Government is going to make laws forcing birth, they should also be responsible for building a quality adoption system, orphanage system, and all hospital costs should be 100% Government paid unless the family keeps the baby. These should all be in place BEFORE any laws prohibiting abortion are put in place. The broken crap we have now does not support a forced birth policy.

  24. jonnyv

    T. While I don’t believe we should be forcing births. The rest I do agree with.

    Ultimately I think that anyone who believes that life begins at conception believes in a fairy tale and is unreasonable on this subject. But, I do agree that at some point, a cluster of cells becomes a child we should protect (assuming health of the mother isn’t compromised). I don’t have the best answer as to when that is. 10 -12 weeks-ish? I think that a HUGE majority of Americans would come to a consensus on that.

    Although I have no faith in the D leadership to actually put forth a reasonable bill like this (they will probably ask for WAY too much at once), I think that they COULD get some R’s to agree to this compromise. But, the D’s will try to use this to fund raise and get people out to vote in the mid-terms instead of trying to act now. Because the economy is ever-changing. It could make significant recoveries in the next 4 months (doubtful), but this is a subject that the D leadership won’t want to fix before the midterms in hopes of driving votes. And this WILL drive some votes… but I don’t have faith that it will drive enough to outweigh the economy voting block. I hope that I am wrong and this drives a new generation of young people to vote, but statistics and history say otherwise.

  25. penquin

    >Why, I would have laughed, of course….I would have called it an ignorant segue, a really stupid attempt to sidetrack the topic

    Exactly. Which is whyI laughed as well, and tired to steer things back to the actual topic.

    >you are clearly not pro-Republican

    I am not a fan of the direction the Grand Ol’ Party has taken since it was highjacked by RINOs in the 1980’s, but many of the core principles it once held true ring strongly with me. An ol’ buddy refers to me as a “Roosevelt Republican” – if I wasn’t so against people being labeled then that is one I would happily wear.

    >…menial job…

    You’ve mentioned that three times in this thread, twice in your latest comment. I disagree with your assumption that the work I do is “menial” (as defined by the dictionary.)

    >it is hard to believe that you are privy to Republican officer’s conversations

    You’re assuming it took place it an office setting, which is something that was never said nor even implied.

    >I bet you can fathom why the people here have trouble believing your unsupported ‘facts’.

    Oh, I know exactly why….it is because of their persona bias and untrue assumptions.

    >Disowning it is not defending or supporting it so I stand by my statement

    It is easy to accuse someone of something when you make up your own personal definitions for a word.

    >Repeat one Owen posted topic you have discussed

    Vast majority of my posts are topic-related. I have no control over how you (or others) decide to respond to them.

    For example: In this thread I brought up something directly related to the posted topic, yet a quick glance shows that with the exception of merlin (and one response to that) and johnnyv, everyone else chose to talk about me personally…and yet you laugh at the idea that certain folks are obsessed? Heh – I laugh at the idea of you laughing at that!

    If you wanna talk about the topic, then talk about it. But your actions so far, at least in this thread, show that you’d rather talk about me and only me.

  26. penquin

    ADDED to previous:

    “your actions so far”

    Please note that my reply was being written prior to seeing your 11:49 comment. Am pleased to see you decided to start talking about the actual issue and will be happy to address the germane points you have raised once I return from my not-menial job.

  27. Tuerqas

    >Although I have no faith in the D leadership to actually put forth a reasonable bill like this

    I think most Reps and Dems are in consensus with that concerning their own party, but they are blinded by their pols into believing that no matter how bad their party is, it is ever so much worse with the other party. All I have seen from the overwhelming majority of public officers is power grab after power grab, not a lick of problem solving. And I think you are right that a consensus on some point where abortions are allowed could be agreed to if either party were interested in solving that electoral gold mine of a problem.

  28. Tuerqas

    >Exactly. Which is whyI laughed as well, and tired to steer things back to the actual topic.
    Sure, ignore why your stupid comparison was fresh crap. There was no “exactly” there.

    >…menial job…
    You said/implied it, I just repeated it.
    >“We’re the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner. We make your bed. We guard you while you’re asleep. We drive the ambulances. We direct your call. We are cooks and taxi drivers and we know everything about you. We process your insurance claims and credit card charges.”
    I asked, but am not privy to how menial or not menial your job is, so go ahead and deny or not deny how trivial it isn’t. Without context it is meaningless.

    >You’re assuming it took place it an office setting, which is something that was never said nor even implied.
    No I didn’t, I asked and still don’t know, I did not assume anything, I am still in the dark about your arcane important job that you compared to laundry workers, cooks, taxi drivers, etc., but as usual you seemed to have made a bad comparison. It seems much more important than those, but only the Penquin shadow knows…

    >Oh, I know exactly why….it is because of their persona bias and untrue assumptions.
    The assumptions may have more truth based on what you write here than you think. Many of those assumptions are based on the partial truths and silly words you often write. Of course nobody here knows you. I would probably immensely enjoy talking to you in person.

    >It is easy to accuse someone of something when you make up your own personal definitions for a word.
    Definition of disown: refuse to acknowledge or maintain any connection with.
    You have not supported your statement about overhearing evil Republican plans. You have not given any other information than one damning statement that could be easily fabricated. Most people who do this are called to further explain or defend their comment. The ones who don’t are disowning their words even if they maintain it is true. Outside of that one statement you have effectively disowned the comment.

    >Vast majority of my posts are topic-related. I have no control over how you (or others) decide to respond to them.
    I would not know, I have never seen one of your posts.

    >Am pleased to see you decided to start talking about the actual issue and will be happy to address the germane points you have raised once I return from my not-menial job.
    Not with you, you haven’t brought anything interesting up that you would actually talk about yet. I mean. are you talking about these?

    >And could someone please explain why it is dumb to beleive that murderers should be punished for committing murder?
    >Speaking of the actual topic: If abortion is killing a baby then why is it unfathomable that Republicans would consider using the death penalty on those who commit those murders?

    Most Republicans will do whatever they think will get them elected. End of discussion. Or is there more I am missing?

  29. Jason

    >You said/implied it, I just repeated it.

    This is all Pengiun has done this past month, and then goes on a verbal tirade about non-sequitor and strawman arguments that were never stated by anyone. I’m still waiting for him to prove this little tidbit his tears flung at me… “And never trust a person who constantly calls people names and makes personal attack & threats, but insists that they are not trying to bully anyone at all….”

    Go ahead Penny, show me where I insisted I’m not trying to bully anyone at all. Quote it dummy, if you can. There’s a very poignant reason why I used the descriptive “dummy” in there… towards you… Penny… and I’m sure you won’t understand why. Your personal bias against me makes it so you can’t understand that it’s nothing but the truth about your silly, mundane, pointless, and useless statements made here on this blog… every single one of them.

    >I asked, but am not privy to how menial or not menial your job is, so go ahead and deny or not deny how trivial it isn’t. Without context it is meaningless.

    It sure got him riled up though, didn’t it? He’ll take offense to anything he can as long as it deflects from him having to back up his misinformation. I would if Nina Jankowicz would tolerate his bullshit.

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