Boots & Sabers

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0638, 09 Aug 21

Racine Health Departments Recommend Child Abuse to Spread Fear Porn


The two Racine County health officers echo the recommendations and words of these officials in Milwaukee County who unanimously recommended the implementation of universal masking requirements for teachers, staff, students, and visitors in K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.


0638, 09 August 2021


  1. Mar

    So, the purpose of getting the vaccine is what again?

  2. dad29

    As a Certified Child Health Advocate, I DEMAND that all teachers be vaccinated before the school year starts. Failure to comply? Lose your job.

  3. Tuerqas

    They are government employees. I thought there was a new reg requiring all Government workers to be vaccinated.

  4. Mar

    “I thought there was a new reg requiring all Government workers to be vaccinated.”
    Depends on where you live.
    I’m sure if you live in a place where liberals love their tyrannical power, more than likely you will have to. But there are also leaders, mostly in conservative areas who believe in the right to choose.

  5. Mar

    Umm, Dad, you do realize that those liberal, tyrannical teachers who love to indoctrinate kids, probably all ready got their shots for Covid, rabies and Trump hate.
    The more rational teachers are still on the fence.

  6. jonnyv

    First let me say that I believe in personal freedoms. Second let me say that I believe that employers should be able to mandate vaccines for their employees. Third, I think that companies should be able to enforce vaccine mandates on customers if they choose. Fourth, I think that all teachers should get vaccinated.

    Finally, I think that anyone who doesn’t get vaccinated for anything other than a medical reason is an unreasonable selfish asshole. We used to be a country that believed in the greater good. Currently many children do not yet qualify to get the shot. I have a special needs 9 year old (that is difficult to get to wear a mask for more than 5 minutes) that I would vaccinate in a heartbeat and a 12 year old who is currently half-vaxed. And while morons keep saying that children have a small chance to get it… there is still a chance. Feel free to Google children in the ICU who have this, and the numbers are going up with the delta variant.

    Should I be able to fire a round off into the air in the middle of the city? I mean, there is a SMALL chance it hits someone… That is what the unvaccinated are doing.

    Getting vaccinated helps prevent the spread. It doesn’t eliminate it. Getting vaccinated helps protect yourself and others. Most important, getting vaccinated helps eliminate the chance for variants and mutations, that ultimately COULD be different than what we are currently fighting, possibly more deadly and more likely to spread to children.

    To those that make up BS about not knowing the long term effects of mRNA. It has been around and tested since the mid 90’s. It has been used to fight cancer for at least 10 years in trials. This is just the first vaccine it was put in.

    Again… selfish assholes.

  7. Mar

    “First let me say that I believe in personal freedoms”.
    “Finally, I think that anyone who doesn’t get vaccinated for anything other than a medical reason is an unreasonable selfish asshole.”
    Umm, 2 different positions.
    I understand about your child who has disabilities and may a greater issues with Covid than the others who don’t have the same problem.
    But you do have choices. You can home school your child if you choose and also get therapies, if needed. I’m pretty sure that happened last school year.
    And if you take your child into the community and school, pplwhich I really hope you do, the child is exposed to far many more diseases than just Covid. How did you handle that before pre-pandemic? How did you handle the many diseases that occur during the first few months of a school year? Trust me, as a former teacher, I always got sick in September and October from all the different germs in a school.
    I understand your situation, but I disagree with your views. I wish you luck, johnnyv.

  8. Merlin

    Dems probably should have gone much lighter on the Trump Covid response demonization. Convincing their looney base that those “Trump vaccines” couldn’t possibly work was rather myopic. Pushing fear porn has consequences.

  9. jonnyv

    I don’t think they are 2 different positions. I can believe in personal freedom and still think that people who exercise those freedoms are selfish assholes.

    I am not worried about my daughter being any more susceptible than another child. I am fortunate that she is as healthy as any other child. But getting her to wear facemasks can be difficult at times due to her issues.

    You are right, I have the ability to home school my child if I choose. I think that we live in a society and should follow the general will of the majority. If a majority of our society believes in vaccination passports and such, then you live with that. Or you can work on changing your society.

    Merlin: The Trump Covid Response was not good. But, apparently the messaging that has been pushed to Republicans by various media outlets (including Fox News) is that the virus isn’t serious, that the vaccine isn’t safe, etc. I haven’t seen anything on the Democratic side that has said that the vaccine is bad because of Trump. And IMO if Trump wants to run in 2024, he should be out there pushing to get people vaccinated and taking as much credit as he can muster for the vaccines. Because they are honestly a modern miracle.

  10. Mar

    Johnnyv, you forgot about Truck Driver Joe and Willie Brown’s
    sloppy seconds sought to politize the vaccine before the 2020 election.

  11. Mar

    I realize johnnyv to that I might be an asshole to because I am not going to get the vaccine.
    But in my defense, I already had Covid, been told that natural immunity is stronger than the vaccine, been exposed to so many viruses and bacteria in my jobs that I believe I have a large amount of immunity against diseases, so my immunity is pretty good.
    So, if I am an asshole in your eyes,so be it.

  12. jonnyv

    Mar, as of now it does appear that anyone who has been exposed and recovered have a natural immunity but not as strong as the vaccine provides.

    So far we are pretty clear that the vaccine has helped against the current variants. And according to an NIH study, the vaccine looks like it is slightly better protective against possible future variants.

    Personally, I had Covid & recovered, and got the vaccine as well.

    I don’t believe you are an asshole based on your responses, but it sounds like you could be more informed about the differences in vaccine vs antibodies. But I think that it would benefit you to get vaccinated to protect yourself and others more thoroughly.

    Maybe I could amend my statement to say if you have not contracted Covid and still refuse to get the vaccine…

  13. Tuerqas

    JonnyV, first let me say that by and large I agree with your base position, and I fully agree that the ‘2 different positions’ that Mar pointed out was incorrect, but I think you did have two different positions there. The conflict to me was:

    “First let me say that I believe in personal freedoms”.
    “We used to be a country that believed in the greater good.”

    We have never been a country that put greater good over personal freedom. It is certainly a mixed bag of good and bad, but that distinction of personal freedom over group greater good is more and more what we ‘used to have’ over European and Oriental countries.
    Liberals have been pushing to close that gap for decades now, eroding freedoms with the thinking that the world is ahead of us. I personally disagree. Even though there are definite benefits in some areas to preaching the greater good and more equality based ideas, the disadvantages, or personal freedom losses, still outweigh the gains, in my opinion. Closing that gap has closed the gaps in our schooling, in our wealth levels, in our media politics and in our technology compared to other countries to name a few biggies. We used to be well ahead in those areas and teaching to the least common denominator vs teaching for excellence over the last several decades has brought us down to the rest of the world.

  14. dad29

    Getting vaccinated helps prevent the spread.

    Wrong. Flat-out, proven wrong.

    The “kids” coming into hospitals with Chinese Communist Flu are–by and large–overweight or diabetic, some both.

    And while morons keep putting their kids into cars and driving around KNOWING that there is a SMALL CHANCE of the kid DYING…..

    My post was ironic. We should not force vaxes into anyone. But so long as there are people like you, who claim moral superiority but are actually preening for the In-Crowd,…..well…

  15. dad29

    This is just the first vaccine it was put in.

    You DO know that this is NOT a ‘vaccine,’ right? And you DO know that it merely ameliorates symptoms, right? And you DO know that it only lasts 6 months, right? And you DO know the experience in Israel, right?

    And by the way, cancer is not a bio-weapon. You DO know that, right?

  16. dad29

    NIH Director is the guy who wrote the checks to the Chinese Communists. Take his word for anything you like.

    But before you do that, Google “Israel breakthrough COVID”

    Next thing, you’ll be telling us that masks actually work against viruses.

  17. jonnyv

    Dad29, I suggest you invest in tinfoil. That is a tight cap you are wearing.

    You provide no facts. Just random sayings. The vaccine is 80-90% efficient after 6 months depending on which one you get. Maybe up to 3 years, they won’t know until they keep testing for years to come.

    Yes. Masks help prevent the spread against viruses that spread through aerosol transmission. Nothing is 100%.

  18. Jason

    >Masks help prevent the spread against viruses that spread through aerosol transmission.

    The CDC recently stated a cloth mask is at best 20% effective in preventing transmission. That’s quite a decline in effectivity from a year+ ago when the Left was foaming that Trump mandate nationwide mask mandates. Also quite a decline from when the Left cheered one of Biden’s excessively grotesque number of EO’s that mandated masks on all federal property. Wow, 20% effective – make everyone in the country participate, it’s their PATRIOTIC DUTY. Do you understand why some people question the half baked science, and call things “Fear Porn”?

    The even more sickening part is how the Left attack and ostracize people for questioning things…. instead of just nodding and doing. Kinda like you just did to Dad @ 9:42 PM on Aug 9th. So much for being accepting and inclusive of diverse thoughts and feelings, JonnyV. Your microaggressions are divisive and harmful.

  19. Le Roi du Nord

    “… is how the Left attract and ostracize people for questioning things….”.

    Now that is hilarious , and hypocritical , coming from you.

  20. jonnyv

    Jason, 20% for cloth masks is better than 0. N95 is much more effective, but in the absence of that, the cloth masks are better than nothing.

    As far as questioning things, by all means please question everything and research. But that is not what Dad29 did, he basically spewed out garbage Facebook trash with no scientific backing. I try to cite legitimate websites when I spew stats.

  21. Mar

    “… is how the Left attract and ostracize people for questioning things….”.”
    And Pervert Boy Le Roi lies again.

  22. Mar

    Johnnyv, if you read Dad’s blog, he has documented what he said here.
    You may not agree with it, but he does document it.
    So your argument that 20% is better than nothing
    Do you do that with other life activities? Like over 20% of drivers are bad, so do ban driving?
    How come we have not banned booze, cigarettes and recreational drugs like pot becauseore than 20% will be harmed by these products?

  23. Jason

    Hey Leroy, you should learn how to quote someone correctly. That’s really embarrassing to see…

  24. jonnyv

    Mar, that argument doesn’t make sense. We are not banning anything, we are mandating something else. In 2019 47% of the fatal accidents were people not wearing seatbelts. Roughly 15K people a year would not die if they had worn a seatbelt. And we mandate those. I still have older friends that say stupid things like, “I don’t want to be strapped in if I get hit. I would rather get thrown out the window to safety.”

    I remember looking at Dad29s blog in the past. It was a mixture of bad sources, conspiracy theory stuff, name calling, with a small mix of actual factual citations. To each their own.

  25. dad29

    Facebook trash

    If Teh Vax is good at stopping the spread, explain Delta variant in vaxxed people as reported everywhere–so you can look it up all by yourself. Same with “Israeli data” on Google which confirms the spread, AFTER the vax.

    The paper masks and the cloth masks are useless (20% isn’t spit, pal) for preventing virus infection. There are dozens of studies on the matter and they’ve been circulating on the Intertubes since last April, INCLUDING one published in the NEJM–not a Republican broadsheet, pal.

    Now let’s get back to how you endanger your children by driving with them in the car, you miserable child-endangering “citizen.” Do you drive with them at night? In the city? Daytime only? Plenty of stats on becoming dead in a car out there, too.

    PFIZER is pushing for a booster, friend. That means PFIZER knows the efficacy of its vax is not good at all after 6 months or so. Argue with them about it.

    If you want to be an expert on the question, read my blog. Plenty of non-Biden/non-CDC facts there–and if the CDC actually comes up with verifiable facts in the future, I’ll cite them too.

  26. dad29

    By the way, I don’t use Facebook at all. Lost my p/w about 30 years ago (?) and they won’t shut down the account. But it’s obviously a source for you, Jonnyv

  27. Mar

    “We are not banning anything, we are mandating something else”
    Same thing, different words. Government deciding they know better than the individual.
    If someone wants to wear a mask, great. If someone gets the vaccine, fantastic. You made the choice and considered the pros and cons.
    But the same also goes for those who don’t wear a mask or do not get the vaccine.
    I’ve read both sides of the issue, even wore a mask when I worked for a few months. I’ve decided that I don’t need either and I am not going to allow the government to tell me what to do about this subject.
    That said, we do need rule and laws to deal with society, but this isn’t the case here.
    But to mandate it, especially with so much conflicting information out there, I don’t think so.

  28. jonnyv

    Dad, I like how you say they are useless and then confirm my 20% figure. Thanks. OH… and here is your NEJM source… basically saying they were pushing for MORE masking with the article you were probably citing. I am sure that the big bad “they” got to the NEJM and made them post that.

    As far as efficacy, I am sure that Pfizer is pushing for boosters for multiple reasons. Money, and they know that the efficacy will deteriorate. But they probably don’t know the speed yet, and it probably differs for each person uniquely.

    This virus will continue to mutate as long as there are available hosts. And it will become more transmittable and probably less deadly. It is the usually the nature of virus mutations. I don’t know how long that will take.

    Vaxed people will continue to get the virus or variant. But the facts state that they are 25x less likely to suffer hospitalizations or death as compared to 4x for the unvaxxed.

    This is directly from a high school friend of mine who is a scientist in the NY/NJ area.
    There are accumulating data that some people are going to need boosters. Definitely the immune compromised, like organ transplant patients and people with blood cancers need a third dose ASAP. About half of them didn’t respond to two doses of mRNA vaccine, but about half of THOSE people do respond to a third dose. There is work happening now to create a formal pathway for these populations to get a third dose. Older adults (65+) may also need a booster this fall/winter, because they are both more vulnerable to severe outcomes and also have weaker immune systems that don’t respond as well to vaccination. We haven’t yet seen severe breakthrough disease in vaccinated people that aren’t immune-compromised, so the need is theoretical at this point. Some countries (like Israel and Germany) have already started to roll out a booster program for older adults. The data on boosters is that a single dose does seem to be safe, and the boost is excellent- higher antibodies than after dose #2. Younger, otherwise healthy people who got two doses of an mRNA vaccine are unlikely to need a booster anytime in the near future. There aren’t great data yet or an official recommendation on the single dose J&J, but my opinion (which is not medical advice or an official recommendation) is that people who got just one dose would be well served by a second dose of mRNA vaccine. The data on mixed regimens (two different vaccines) show that it’s safe and might even work better than getting two of the same kind of vaccine. I got J&J, and I’ve volunteered for a clinical trial studying boosters but if they don’t call me in the next few weeks I plan to go get a dose of mRNA elsewhere.

    People who already had COVID are probably protected for 6 months or so but should still get vaccinated. The vaccines seem to produce more durable & lasting protection than natural infection, and re-infection is real possibility.

  29. Le Roi du Nord


    You are correct, I made a mistake, didn’t proof before hitting “submit”. My bad.

    Now replace “attract” with “attack” and you have the correct quote, still hilarious, still hypocritical.

  30. Le Roi du Nord


    You have all the deniers in flight mode, running from all those scary %percentages%. And you have them all baffled by presenting the fact that 20% is greater than 0%.


    I’m sure you wouldn’t spit on a 20% pay raise, and would surely take notice if you had a 20% better chance of winning the lottery.

  31. Jason

    >You are correct, I made a mistake, didn’t proof before hitting “submit”. My bad.

    Remember that next time you want to take Kevin or Mar or anyone to task for the same simple mistake you made, you turd. Hahahaha, your dog is smarter than you.

  32. dad29

    We did state in the article that “wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection,” but as the rest of the paragraph makes clear, we intended this statement to apply to passing encounters in public spaces, not sustained interactions within closed environments. A growing body of research shows that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission is strongly correlated with the duration and intensity of contact: the risk of transmission among household members can be as high as 40%

    Unless all the pictures of classrooms are lies, there is no “sustained interaction” going on there. They refer–obviously–to face-to-face conversations at arm’s length.

    But granting that the paragraph above means what YOU say it means, YOU should be masked during every encounter with your child, especially at home (a closed environment with sustained interactions). After all, you’re vaxxed and could be carrying a large viral load without knowing it, putting your child in imminent danger when he’s with you.

    I am sure that Pfizer is pushing for boosters for multiple reasons. Money, and they know that the efficacy will deteriorate. But they probably don’t know the speed yet, and it probably differs for each person uniquely.

    Oh. So the push from your Tin God Fauci–for universal booster, soon–is not based on ‘need’? Both he and Biden told us over the last several months that The Vax Was the Silver Bullet. So both of them lied? (Yes, I know that your man Biden doesn’t know his home address, so he should STFU.)

    We haven’t yet seen severe breakthrough disease in vaccinated people that aren’t immune-compromised, That’s the key line. Another way to say it: immune-compromised DO get severe breakthrough. He could have added ‘those with co-morbidities such as diabetes, high blood pressure, overweight….

    We also note that he bypassed any comments about “children” (< 12 YO) getting the disease in any significant numbers.

    LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy, have you ever actually cited a fact that hasn't been proven dead wrong within 3 days or so? No. So STFU. At least jonny looks stuff up.

  33. Le Roi du Nord


    You bet I’ll remember, as I’ll remember when you and your buddies call me stupid, idiot, moron, pervert, murderer, or uneducated, and then proceed to make some epic fail, be it spelling, factuality, or common sense. But I told you that several times in the past. Remember?

  34. dad29

    Also of interest: Preexisting immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies, induced by prior vaccination, contribute to severe pulmonary damage by SARS-CoV in macaques (Liu et al., 2019). Peron and Nakaya (2020) provide evidence suggesting that the much more diverse range of prior exposures to coronaviruses experienced by the elderly might predispose them to ADE upon exposure to SARS-CoV-2. A concerning pre-print article reported that plasma from 76% of patients who had recovered from severe COVID-19 disease, when added to cultures of SARS-CoV-2 and susceptible cells, exhibited enhanced ability for SARS-CoV-2 viral infection of Raji cells (Wu et al., 2020). The authors note that “the antibody titers [against the spike protein] were higher in elderly patients of COVID-19, and stronger antibody response was associated with delayed viral clearance and increased disease severity in patients. Hence it is reasonable to speculate that S protein-specific antibodies may contribute to disease severity during SARS-CoV-2 infection.” (Wu et al., 2020

    The recommendation that old folks get another dose is not universal, based on this paper. See:

    Further: In his in silico analysis, Lyons-Weiler compared all antigenic SARS-CoV-2 protein epitopes flagged in the SVMTriP database ( and searched the p-BLAST database ( for homology between those epitopes and endogenous human proteins. Of the 37 SARS-CoV-2 proteins analyzed, 29 had antigenic regions. All but one of these 29 had homology with human proteins (putative self-antigens)and were predicted to be autoreactogenic. The largest number of homologies were associated with the spike (S) protein and the NS3 protein, both having 6 homologous human proteins.A functional analysis of the endogenous human proteins homologous with viral proteins found that over 1/3 of them are associated with the adaptive immune system. The author speculates that prior virus exposure or prior vaccination, either of which could initiate antibody production that targets these endogenous proteins, may be playing a role in the development of more severe disease in the elderly in particular. In this case the pre-existing antibodies act to suppress the adaptive immune system and lead to more severe disease

    There is a lot more at the link (about 42 pages.) Yes, there are a lot of “mays” and “mights” in the text, mostly because there are NO long-term studies of this specific vax.

    But it should not be difficult for one to understand the reluctance of many rational adults about the product here. Lithium batteries are really neat, until they catch fire and burn for 3 days, too. And lithium batteries were tested for years, not months.

  35. Mar

    Pervert Boy Le Roi, you are a pervert, definitely a moron, uneducated, liar, coward etc..
    I’ve given you numerous exples of you being a moron, pervert, uneducated, liar, coward etc but your response is to deny it but provide no evidence.
    But I never called you a murderer but I think Kevin has.

  36. Mar

    Should be examples:
    Pervert Boy Le Roi, you still support the pervert liberal judge who distributes child porn and watches babies being raped. And now has accepted a plea deal and will going away for a long time.
    You have been caught lying numerous times. You make statement and then refuse to defend it, making you a coward. You challenged me to see who had the best education and you provided nothing.
    And you are a hateful moron, who has President Trump on the brain and forgive all liberals.
    So, Coward, Pervert, Uneducated, Lying Le Roi, defend yourself.

  37. Jason

    Leroy, don’t forget “turd” and “Leroy” in your tear soaked list. You fucking cowardly baby.

  38. Le Roi du Nord

    “exples” Classic !! Bravo mar, you are on the board yet again.

  39. Mar

    And there goes Special Olympian Le Roi, who failed to notice that I already made a correction.
    Just proving time and time again, you are just a troll.
    Going to visit the pervert judge this weekend? If you go, don’t forget the baby.

  40. Mar

    Oh, but did forgot the biggest: Troll Boy Le Roi. Posts something relevant once every blood moon, which means, he will not post anything useful until next year.
    Such a troll.
    But he is our punching bag, so he useful in that sense. I just wish it was more of a challenge.

  41. Mar

    Johnnyv, how do you believe the fake doctor Fauci when he says that masks don’t work, then says we need 2 masks?
    The fact is is there have been no comprehensive studies about children and masks, whether they help or do more harm. My guess is that they do more harm, but I am not a scientist.
    But in the end,it should be the parents choice whether a kid wears a mask at school. They know what’s best for the child, not a teacher, administrator, or a health Dept lackey.

  42. Mar

    Pervert Boy Le Roi is the Michael Beschloss on this blog.

  43. Le Roi du Nord

    “but I am not a scientist “

    No kidding. Finally, after years of making up nonsense, you utter a statement of fact. Do you want a trophy? Or a medal?

  44. Mar

    Another irrelevant post by Pervert Boy Le Roi.
    And Pervert Boy Le Roi, neither are you a scientist nor Johnnyv.
    But we can interpret what scientists say, who have many different opinions and decide which view I think is right.
    But since you have reading comprehension problems Special Olympian Le Roi and have the IQ of a rock, I understand your problems.

  45. Mar

    I guess Pervert Boy Le Roi has finally admitted he is a pervert, coward, liar, uneducated and a troll.
    Reality has sunk in, hasn’t it Pervert Boy Le Roi.

  46. Le Roi du Nord

    Well mar, obviously I am more of a scientist than you. Science isn’t something where you get to choose your beliefs like religion. A scientist doesn’t care one hoot what you believe, but rather what the provable evidence and facts say. If you believe that the earth is flat, or that man never landed on the moon, that doesn’t mean you are right, it means you are one of the increasing number of gullible and ignorant.

  47. Mar

    “Well mar, obviously I am more of a scientist than you. ”
    A Special Olympian concrete puddler is more of a scientist than me?
    Prove it.
    “A scientist doesn’t care one hoot what you believe, but rather what the provable evidence and facts say.”
    Tell that to the fake doctor Fauci. He is a bureaucrat, political hack and a liar.
    Nice try Pervert Boy Le Roi.
    Failed again.

  48. Le Roi du Nord

    Dr. Fauci is a real MD, unlike you. It matters not what you believe, but what is reality.

    True, I was a concrete “puddler” before and during college. Do you have a problem with honest labor ? Or is that yet another thing you don’t believe in?

  49. Mar

    The fake doctor Fauci is a doctor in name only. Just because he takes continuing education classes doesn’t make him a real doctor in reality. He doesn’t see patients, he doesn’t practice medicine but he enjoys his TV time and his power he has gotten
    He is nothing but a power hungry, wanna be TV star.
    As for concrete puddler, well you claimed you are more of a scientist than me. Prove it.
    I respect people who do hard work, but I highly doubt you are capable of it. The cement mix is smarter than you. Hell, the boulders around the mountains I live by are smarter than, at least they know when to be silent.

  50. Jason

    >I am more of a scientist than you.

    Looks like instead of demanding T to get a new dictionary, you should invest in one.

  51. Tuerqas

    “A scientist doesn’t care one hoot what you believe, but rather what the provable evidence and facts say.”

    Now if only you listened to them rather than the cherry picked facts liberal MSM and Democrats want you to see or what they pay scientists to say. According to you, every scientist who does not lock elbows with liberals and repeat what Democrat officials tell them to is a crackpot.

    You really can’t argue science with someone who only looks at half of the scientific evidence, guys. Liberals will literally quote the number of hits in Google to prove ‘science’.

  52. Le Roi du Nord

    No t, that isn’t according to me. You can believe whatever you like, but don’t foist off your conspiracy theories on me. If you are a flat-earther, good for you. I’ll stick to reality.

  53. dad29

    One more for jonnyV: it is a FACT that your child has less chance of dying from Wuhan Flu than he has from being struck by lightning. He has a much better chance of dying from seasonal flu, too.

    And today’s wall street journal presents an essay on the bad–very bad–effects of mask-wearing on children.

  54. dad29

    STOP BUYING MASKS!” So tweeted then–surgeon general Jerome Adams on February 29, 2020, adding, “They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus.” Two days later, Adams said, “Folks who don’t know how to wear them properly tend to touch their faces a lot and actually can increase the spread of coronavirus.” Less than a week earlier, on February 25, public-health authorities in the United Kingdom had published guidance that masks were unnecessary even for those providing community or residential care: “During normal day-to-day activities facemasks do not provide protection from respiratory viruses, such as COVID-19 and do not need to be worn by staff.” About a month later, on March 30, World Health Organization (WHO) Health Emergencies Program executive director Mike Ryan said that “there is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any particular benefit.” He added, “In fact there’s some evidence to suggest the opposite” because of the possibility of not “wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly” and of “taking it off and all the other risks that are otherwise associated with that.”

  55. Mar

    Personally, maybe if you think that someone might sneeze on you or coughs on you, then by all means, wear a mask if you like.
    But if you are walking down the road by yourself with a mask on or you are driving you car by yourself with a mask on, I think you are bat shit crazy.

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