Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0808, 30 Sep 20

Racine School Board Allows Public Comments for First Time in Six Months

Just notice how quickly some government bodies lock out the public when they have an excuse to do so. I would point out that many, many other school boards were able to find a way to accommodate public access while conducting virtual meetings. This was a choice by Racine because they didn’t really want to hear from their constituents as they made unpopular decisions.

Monday was the first time the School Board allowed public comment during one of its business meetings in around six months. Board President Brian O’Connell previously said this was due to logistical issues as the board had been hosting meetings via Zoom since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. There were a few technical issues during the comment period on Monday that caused some minor delays.

Out of the 11 people who commented during the meeting, either in-person or via email, nine of those implored the board to get students back into classrooms.


0808, 30 September 2020


  1. penquin

    Was this the meeting where the board member turned her back to the public while comments were being made? Or am I thinking of something else?

  2. jjf

    Sadly, public comment is not required by the open meetings law.  Boards have great freedom to restrict public comment.

  3. Mar

    So, President Trump has the Chinese virus.
    Watch the hate roll in.

  4. jjf

    No, Mar.  He didn’t really mean it that way.  It was a joke.  He was being sarcastic.  It’s not just a way to get out of another debate.

    He’s riding a bear, strong as an ox, horseback riding topless, he’ll take some HCQ and come out of this stronger than ever.

    Wait, Mar – are you changing the subject and trolling?

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