Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

2134, 27 Jul 20

Violent Perpetrators Who Beat Senator Carpenter Are Arrested


Two women were arrested Monday on tentative charges of substantial battery for the attack on state Sen. Tim Carpenter during a protest last month, Madison police reported.

Madison police spokesman Joel DeSpain said the two Madison women — Samantha Hamer, 26, and Kerida O’Reilly, 33 — turned themselves in Monday afternoon.

Carpenter, D-Madison, was beaten after taking a video of protesters the night of June 23 along the 200 block of West Main Street.

Earlier in the evening, protesters told members of the media to leave the scene and demanded that observers not take photos or videos during the demonstrations that night, which included tearing down two statues on the Capitol grounds and throwing a Molotov cocktail into the City-County Building.

Hamer is a social worker in the Mt Horeb school district. O’Reilly appears to be a physical therapist (I wonder if Carpenter would agree!) who, “loves spoiling her cats, adventuring in nature, listening to podcasts, dancing in her kitchen, and playing tabletop games.” You just wonder about how seemingly normal people in solid careers work themselves into such a frenzy that they allegedly violently attack an old man.


2134, 27 July 2020


  1. Mar

    And these 2thugs work with kids and/or adults.
    I hope their licences are revoked.

  2. Mar

    Owen, these are not normal people. Far from it.
    They are thugs. They are freaks of nature. They have mental disorders. They are your typical liberals.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann

    Should be prosecuted as hate crime.

    This awful evil should be locked up for 20 years.

    What say you Nord? Jjf?

    Slap on wrist and out?

  4. jjf

    And yet they turned themselves in.

  5. Merlin

    Whupped by a pelvic floor dysfunction specialist. Damn.

  6. Randall Flagg

    Glad to hear they are going to be held accountable.

  7. Mark Hoefert

    And yet they turned themselves in.

    It only took them 3o days. Must be guilty.

    Would have been nice to wait to be picked up.

    Imagine the photo op with the Mt. Horeb School District social worker in cuffs getting frog-marched out of the district office.  Not sure what kind of photo op would be at pelvic floor dysfunction therapy clinic – something tells me probably not something we would want to see.

    I suspect they turned themselves in to avoid the photo ops.

  8. Owen

    Interestingly, O’Reilly didn’t have the green hair with shaved sides in the video of the actual assault. Nor does she have that look in her professional pictures on several sites. She was blond in those other images. That would suggest that she altered her appearance to avoid discovery. This wasn’t a “I feel guilt so I’ll turn myself in.” This was a “I’m busted, so I’ll get a lawyer and turn myself in so I can get out quickly.”

  9. Merlin

    That’s Dr. O’Reilly to you deplorables.

    She claims to hold a Marquette doctorate in physical therapy. She must really, really like practicing physical therapy.


  10. Kevin Scheunemann

    There jjf is: going soft on hate crime criminals because they are liberal.

    Awfyl. Just awful.

  11. Randall Flagg


    JJF stated a fact, and you thought it was being soft on crime.  Perhaps you are seeing things in posts that are not there?

    Or maybe there is something going around?  Mar addressed a post to Le Roy in a thread Le Roy did not post in, so it could be some disease affecting Trump supporters, or mass hysteria.

  12. Jason


    Merlin stated a fact, perhaps you are seeing things in posts that are not there?

  13. Randall Flagg


    Excellent question, thanks for asking.  Here is the answer.

    He did indeed post a fact.  I quoted his post and then asked a question. So no, I was not seeing things.

    If I was seeing things I would have made an accusation (like Kevin did) or reply to someone who had not commented (like Mar did).

    Or perhaps I would have stated that lizard people run the government and that demon sperm is responsible for COVID.


  14. dad29

    demon sperm is responsible

    That reminds me:  exactly what genus WERE you before you magically became human having passed the cervix?  You’ve forgotten to answer for the last few weeks.

  15. Mar

    Moron Randall, as I pointed out, I posted my post in the wrong space and I also apologized for it.

  16. Le Roi du Nord

    And calling someone a moron makes it all better, eh?

    Now point to the elephant.

  17. Mar

    I pointed to your name when I was taking a crap, Le Roi, does that count?
    But defending a Liar makes you feel good because you just added another liar to your club.
    Joining you, jjf, Pat and now Randall.
    Collective number of brain cells: about 8.

  18. Le Roi du Nord

    Hey, you want to call somebody a liar?  Check out trump and his doozy of a lie about throwing out the fist pitch at a Yankee game.

  19. jjf

    Dad29, what genus was Jesus when he passed the cervix?

  20. Kevin Scheunemann


    Jjf was trying to solicit sympathy for these moronic thugs, rather than denounce their awful evil.

    We should not generate sympathy for rioting thugs violently hurting a State Senator. That is treason.

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