Boots & Sabers

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1711, 30 Jun 20


Supreme Court Ruling a Win for School Choice


In a 5-4 decision with the conservative justices in the majority and the liberal justices dissenting, the court backed a Montana program that gave tax incentives for people to donate to a scholarship fund that provided money to Christian schools for student tuition expenses.

The ruling, written by Chief Justice John Roberts, represented the court’s latest expansion of religious liberties, a priority of its conservative majority in recent years.

The court sided with three mothers of Christian school students who appealed after Montana’s top court invalidated the tax credit for violating the state constitution’s ban on public aid to churches and religious entities. Thirty-eight states have such constitutional provisions.

The justices faulted the Montana Supreme Court for voiding a taxpayer program merely because it can be used to fund religious entities, saying such action violates the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment protection for the free exercise of religion.

“A state need not subsidize private education,” Roberts wrote. “But once a state decides to do so, it cannot disqualify some private schools solely because they are religious.”


1711, 30 June 2020



  1. Mar

    Good, so now there is no more excuse to expand school choice, except racism.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    Finally a good ruling for what has been a miserable 2 weeks of USSC.

    Of course, hateful liberals will hate this ruling.


  3. Randall Flagg

    Easy decision then.  Shut down the program.

  4. Mar

    Randall showing his racism again.
    By the way moron, not all schools in school choice are Catholic or religious.
    But keep the Black and Brown students from getting a good education.
    That’s the liberal spirit.

  5. Randall Flagg


    I have no issues with vouchers going to non-religious private schools.  Having them go to religious ones is the Government endorsing a religion.

  6. Randall Flagg

    Oh, and all schools who receive them should be held to the same standards as public schools, including serving children with special needs.  That is NOT true in Wisconsin.

  7. MHMaley

    I paid for the religious HS I went to . Not Daddy and not through $ from the government .

    I suggest other rugged individualists should do the same .

  8. Kevin Scheunemann


    There is no such thing as a “non-religious school”.    Public school teaches the leftist woke religion and that is just dreadful.

    So stop acting like non-religious schools exist, they do not.

  9. Mark Hoefert

    @ R Flagg – “Oh, and all schools who receive them should be held to the same standards as public schools, including serving children with special needs.  That is NOT true in Wisconsin.”

    You would be wrong on that.  From DPI FAQs page

     Is a private Choice school required to enroll a student with special needs in the Choice program, and to provide the child with whatever services are required to allow the child to learn?

    A private school may not discriminate against a student with special educational needs during the admissions process for the Choice program. However, as a private school, a Choice school is required to offer only those services to assist students with special needs that it can provide with minor adjustments. Parents should contact the Choice school during the admission process about the services the school is able to provide for their student. Parents should also contact the school district in which the private school is located for more information on the services the school district provides to students with special needs who are enrolled in the public schools and the lesser services that the school district provides students with special needs who are enrolled in private schools.

    It is up to the local school district to determine how much Federal Title III funding or property tax levy that they will share with the private school, as well as services,  to meet the needs of special needs students. The public school district is the conduit for special needs education funds that are available.

    And public school districts have the option to discriminate against special needs students under the Open Enrollment program.

    From DPI Open Enrollment Special Education page:

    …..If an IEP is developed or revised for the pupil, the nonresident school district may consider whether it has the special education and related services for the pupil. If no, the nonresident school district may notify the parent and the resident school district that the pupil must return to the resident school district.

    Yes indeed, you are wrong. Private schools accepting vouchers and public schools accepting Open Enrollments are held to the same standards when it comes to accepting students who may have needs above what their programs can provide.



  10. Jason

    >Having them go to religious ones is the Government endorsing a religion

    Moronic statement of the year. You say “religious ones” and end with “A religion”. One part of your sentence is plural the other is not. I see your public education is being strained just by using Mommys iPad when she is busy making mac and cheese. By the way, you’re missing your party in the other thread. Lol

  11. Mark Hoefert

    @ R Flagg – “including serving children with special needs”

    To further expand on your mistaken assumption that private schools do not serve children with special needs, there is also the “Special Needs Scholarship Program” that does provide extra funding to serve those children.

    In West Bend School District boundary area, there are 4 choice schools that have special needs students funded under that program. Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School, Jackson (16); Living Word Lutheran High School Jackson (4); Good Shepherd 4k-8th West Bend (6); and St. John’s Lutheran Newburg (1).


  12. Mark Hoefert

    Having them go to religious ones is the Government endorsing a religion

    It is called the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program.  No “endorsing a religion” going on there. Parents get a DPI directory of schools qualified to accept vouchers. Again, the operative  words are Parental Choice. That may be too nuanced a concept for some to understand, but  imagine that there is a difference, it is easy if you try.


  13. Jason

    Randy Flunk likes choice when it comes to killing a baby before it passes the finish line and then doesn’t like choice after. More of that pesky dichotomy we saw earlier today.

  14. Mar

    Most people would be jumping up and down and be thrilled with the decision.
    Randall loves that women have a right to an abortion.
    Fair enough.
    But Randall does not want a parent to have a choice where they send their child to school.
    Hmm, hypocrisy much.

  15. Le Roi du Nord

    “There is no such thing as a “non-religious school”.    Public school teaches the leftist woke religion and that is just dreadful.”

    That is utter, absolute, and undeniable  nonsense.  No religion was taught in my 6-12 public school, nor the K-12 public school that our kids attended.

    You are a liar, k.  Awful.  And sinful.

  16. Mark Hoefert

    @ MHMaley: “I paid for the religious HS I went to . Not Daddy and not through $ from the government .”

    Yup, white privilege rocks, doesn’t it.

  17. Mark Hoefert

    @ Mar: Good, so now there is no more excuse to expand school choice, except racism.

    Thanks to the choice program, there are numerous African American students attending school in Jackson (part of West Bend School District). The private schools in the voucher program are issued DPI Report Cards based on the students that are choice students, in the same format as the public schools. Looking at the demographic data in the reports:

    Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School: 113 choice vouchers; 4.4% are AA = 5 black students.  Living Word Lutheran High School: 29 choice vouchers; 41.4% are AA = 12 black students.  Jackson Elementary School: 358 public school students; .3% are AA = < 2 black students.

    The public schools located in West Bend are much more diverse, ranging from > 2% to <4 %.  Good Shepherd Lutheran Elementary School in West Bend has 29 choice vouchers, 13.8% are AA = 4 students.

    Bottom line, the Lutheran schools & the choice program seem to be quite effective at creating diversity in education in Jackson.


  18. Mar

    Gee Le Roi, I went to McKinley Grade School in Wauwatosa and was taught by nuns.
    At UW Madison, I took religious studies class.
    There is a religious studies program at UW Madison and you can get a Bachelors degree in religous studies.

  19. Mar

    Mark, that’s great and the way it should be.
    But jjf and Randall and MHMaley dont want those little kids to be educated there. They don’t want their parents to have choices.
    I’m glad those schools stepped up.

  20. Randall Flagg


    Great job of proving yourself wrong:

    However, as a private school, a Choice school is required to offer only those services to assist students with special needs that it can provide with minor adjustments.

    …..If an IEP is developed or revised for the pupil, the nonresident school district may consider whether it has the special education and related services for the pupil. .  If no, the nonresident school district may notify the parent and the resident school district that the pupil must return to the resident school district.

    So, no, they are not held to the same standards.  If they were, they would have to provide the services.  Instead they have several outs.

  21. Randall Flagg

    Private schools accepting vouchers and public schools accepting Open Enrollments are held to the same standards when it comes to accepting students who may have needs above what their programs can provide.

    Interesting you had to add that qualifier (accepting open enrollments) mark, showing public and private schools are not held to the same standards.  If they were, the resident school district could also say they do not have the services.  But they cannot.

  22. Randall Flagg

    I am all for choice Jason.  It’s just that I should not have to pay for that choice.

    Furthermore, the the facts show I didn’t need to.

    When the voucher program started, the vast majority of students who took advantage (80%) were already in private schools.  Thus they did not need the vouchers to afford private school.


  23. Mar

    Gee, Randall, I’m for choice to. No money for abortions. No money for illegal aliens. No federal money for sanctuary cities. No money for public defenders.
    But guess what, unlike you, I don’t throw temper tantrums if I don’t get my way
    Awhile ago, you said elections have consequences.
    Yes they do.
    Deal with it big boy.

  24. Randall Flagg

    Yup elections have consequences.  Isn’t it great the elections gave control of the House to Democrats.   I am sure you are dealing with the consequences of that, small boy.

  25. Mar

    Doesn’t bother me, Little Brain. I personally like divided government.
    Like I didn’t cry when President Obama was elected. I didn’t support him but didn’t cry, even though he financially killed me.

  26. Randall Flagg

    I am elated when I can point out Trumps lies, racism and hate.  It is specifically fun when you and the other Trump lovers on the board deny it and attack me personally, showing I have hit home.


  27. Mar

    It’s also fun to point your and jjf’s blatant racism.
    And you guys make it so easy.

  28. Randall Flagg

    Well we all have to find enjoyment.  Mine is predicting Trump will mess things up, and then being proven right.  The latest is the coronavirus response.  Might as well rename it the Trump virus, as it owes a lot of its success to Trump.  While other countries cases are going down, ours are going up…..


  29. Mar

    Well,Randall, I am sure you get a kick out Governor Cuomo and demanding that malls in New York cannot open unless they have a hepa filter that cleans out the Chinese virus.
    Except hepa filters don’t kill the virus. And such system don’t exist.
    Sounds like Cuomo, who liberals masturbate over, just made something up out of thin air.

  30. Randall Flagg

    I do celebrate when people make excellent requirements like Cuomo’s.  After all given HEPA filters capture particles of 10 nanometers and above, and the cornovirus is 125 nanometers, the HEPA filters clearly can capture the Trump Virus.

    There are several studies that confirm HEPA filter performance. Reading those may be a better use of your time than fantasizing about what you think liberals are doing.

    Or, start smaller and work on consistency in your posts.  After all “cleans out” the Trump Virus and “kill the virus” are not the same.

  31. Randall Flagg

    On the other hand, Trump’s suggestion to inject disinfectants into people to kill the Trump virus would not be effective.  In fact, it could very well kill you.

  32. Mar

    Just like Cuomo and other brain dead democrat governors put Chinese virus positive people into nursing homes.
    You would agree Cuomo at al should be charged with manslaughter, right?

  33. Randall Flagg

    Wow Mar.  Proven wrong about HEPA filters, and you continue to flail around.  You really should work on your own honesty before you worry about others’.

  34. Randall Flagg

    New York state cases are going down, while the US as a whole is not.  Seems Cuomo is doing better than Trump.  We should listen to Cuomo.

  35. Mar

    Hepa filters will not filter out water droplets, which is how the Chinese is mostly passed on.
    The water droplets are to heavy to be sucked into the the filters.
    A 2nd grader could figure that out.

  36. Mar

    Now, stop masterbating to you here Cuomo.

  37. Randall Flagg

    Wow Mar.  Now you suddenly pivot to water droplets, even though you never brought them up before.  Maybe you should get checked for he Trump Virus.

    PS:  Given the U.S. now has way more cases than China, it really doesn’t make sense to call it the Chinese virus.  It is now the Trump virus, as Trump has clearly enabled the virus’ success.

  38. Mar

    By the way way Randall, now, you are the person who is good to debate with. I disagree with you, but you don’t back down and you don’t troll and you don’t lie.
    This what a good debate looks like.

  39. jjf

    Randall, have you heard anything about the virus is doing in Arizona?  All cured, all opened up?

  40. Pat

    “…. have you heard anything about the virus is doing in Arizona?”

    I heard they had a record breaking 24 hours. I guess their plan worked.

  41. Pat

    What’s worse than anything, if that’s possible, Europe has banned travel from the US. Does that make us one of the shit hole countries now?

  42. Mar

    I imagine you think we are Pat, with all your hate.
    But they are only allowing about 8 countries to travel into Europe.

  43. Mar

    Our GOP Arizona governor is an ass. The hospitals are not being overrun, the illnesses and death rates are not increasing and we are doing a lot more testing.
    And where I live, the “illnesses” are dropping.

  44. jjf

    Hmm, Le Roi, when I change that graph to “deaths” it sure looks like they’re pretty high.  “New cases” looks pretty high, too.

    Are you saying there’s a liar around here?  A lying liar who loves to lie, and won’t ever denounce his lying?

  45. Kevin Scheunemann


    Why are you just dandy paying for the woke religion in public schools?

  46. Le Roi du Nord


    Could be.  But I won’t make assumptions based on antidotes. Or was it antedotes?

  47. Mar

    Of course Mr. I Don’t Know How To Use A Data Base cases are going up because they are testing more and in a couple of areas they are going up among the bar dwellers apparently.
    And guess what, deaths are going to up, just like any disease.
    And there is also a difference opinions on the numbers.

  48. jjf

    See, Le Roi, he’s not lying-lying.  He just has a “difference opinions.”

  49. Pat

    Having “difference opinions” didn’t absolve me of being branded a liar. Hmmmmm. Might be a bit hypocritical.

  50. Jason

    Ironic that Johnny was commenting just a few hours ago on someone’s lack of “science” terminology and then replies with a shitpost containing “pretty high” twice. Mr Science shows his virtual neck beard and his physical one.

    So tell us neck beard what is the precise meaning of “pretty high”. You make this easy.

  51. jjf

    That’s right, Pat.  He’s not lying, he’s just Believing Different.

  52. Mar

    Yeah, because you dumbasses can tell everything by looking at 1 graph.
    But hey, you guys are the experts on lying.
    Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumbest sure like to make asses of themselves

  53. Mar

    But Pat, jjf and Le Roi, keep on cheering for more deaths, hospitalizations and illnesses.
    Yea!!! More deaths!!! That will hurt President Trump. Come on, keep on dying, take one for the liberal team!!!

  54. jjf

    And pivot to inventions!

  55. Le Roi du Nord

    Wrong again, mar. You are confusing me with trump and all the red hatted maga folks. I have never cheered for any of that, and you can’t prove it.

  56. jjf

    Le Roi, but he think he successfully distracted you from the previous topic, so you’re so owned!  He triggered you!

  57. Le Roi du Nord

    Nah, mar couldn’t trigger a squirt gun.

  58. Randall Flagg

    Can someone explain to Mar that believing something will happen does not mean you want it to happen?

    For example, believing a loved one is dying from cancer does not mean one is cheering it for happen.

    Likewise believing Trump’s coronovirus response is inept and will lead to more deaths does not mean one is cheering for the deaths.

    Perhaps Mar has no idea what forecasting is?

  59. jjf

    Randall, it’s a mystery.  He’s heard that explanation before.  It didn’t sink in.  Water off a duck.  And it’s not even apparent that anyone else here, even here, supports his belief.  It’s like he’s talking to himself, convincing himself that the nasty lying liar person who said something must really love death, too.  And he’s saying that from Arizona.  And he’s unable to remember his own statements about how it’s all much ado about nothing.

  60. Mar

    Well, Randall, jjf, Le Roi and Pat have acted in a way that when something bad happens to people and it hurts President Trump, well, they are joyful. Hurts Trump, good for the country, even if means people get hurt or die.
    Sorry, if it hurts their poor little feelings, but that is their history.

  61. Randall Flagg


    He’s heard that explanation before.  It didn’t sink in. 

    And it still hasn’t.  Also notice he never cites examples of the behavior he attributes to us.  If we do it over and over as he claims, it should be easy for him to post examples.

    Hmmmm…who else do we know that makes vague statements but never examples.  Could it be…..Trump?

  62. Mar

    Ok Randall.
    When President Trump was touting his drug, jjf and Le Roi were pissed. When some false studies showed the drug didn’t very well, well the 2 bozos were gleeful. They could said they were disappointed, but no, they were quite happy.
    The 2 bozos said the hospitals would be overrun, they were totally wrong. They should have been happy, but they were not.
    When the number of deaths first predicted, a million or 2, they were disappointed.
    When the looting and rioting started, jjf defended the rioting and looting and bashed the cops.
    The three stooges now are gleeful that there is an increase in the number of cases of the Chinese virus in Arizona.
    Those are just a few instances of their joy at the expense of others.

  63. Pat

    I don’t know about Moe, Larry, and Curly, but I’m rather disappointed that Arizona is having record breaking numbers in both cases and deaths due to the Trump Virus. I’m also extremely disappointed in the other states where cases, and deaths, due to the Trump Virus are on the rise. I find it extremely awful, just awful. I only wish that we had better national leadership in the very beginning of this mess. But hindsight, as they say, is 20/20.

  64. Randall Flagg

    Sorry Mar, those is not examples.  You need to quote their posts.

    Maybe you don’t understand what *examples* or *cites* means.  So, let me illustrate.


    Saying President Trump drastically underestimated the number of coronovirus cases is not an example.

    This quote from him is an example:  “You have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero,”


    Saying president Trump supports white supremacists is not an example.

    The tweet from him with a person shouting right power where he called the people in the video “great people” is an example.

  65. Mar

    Whatever Randall. Then you do the research.
    Not going to waste my time on your nonsense and game playing.

  66. Randall Flagg

    It would have been easier to admit you have no evidence.  After all:

    “What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.” – Christopher Hitchens

  67. jjf

    Randall, I’d be cheering any drug that had been shown to help against the virus.  All I need is a little evidence.  Trump saying “I’ve heard” isn’t evidence.  It’s pretty simple.

  68. Mar

    Yes, jjf, and when this was happening, there was no drug helping and there was evidence that Trump’s drug was helping some people and that is undisputable.
    And at this point, there is still no drug that is effective in all cases.
    But you also still celebrated when there false studies saying that the Trump drug didn’t work. Gleeful, in fact.

  69. Le Roi du Nord


    You (and trump) were wrong then, and still wrong today regarding the wonder drug. There was never any legitimate study proving hydroxychloroquine was helpful in treating coronavirus. Ditto with injecting disinfectants. Your doubling down on false claims, after numerous opportunities to make amends for your errors, displays an underlying mental defect. Seek help.

  70. jjf

    You forgot the bright lights, Le Roi.  Inside the body.  How could anyone who loved hydroxychloroquine not also love the lights?  How could you discern one from the other, know which is true?  But Trump said it was true and possible!

  71. Le Roi du Nord


    Yes , I did. I try not to dwell on the ridiculous.

  72. dad29

    After all given HEPA filters capture particles of 10 nanometers and above, and the cornovirus is 125 nanometers, the HEPA filters clearly can capture the Trump Virus.

    Gee!!  You can quote your Democrat Masters–but they don’t know what the Hell they’re talking about.

    Furthermore, when he says that HEPA filters remove particles down to 0.01 µm in size, he’s referencing a NASA study of HEPA filters that essentially aren’t in use anywhere but space vehicles.  Without observing the testing and performing my own independent analysis of the data, I question the study, but let’s move ahead anyway.

    Most of the HEPA filters available for industrial use are nuclear grade HEPA filters, which remove particles to 0.3 µm in size.  This means that a SARS-CoV-2 virus is 80E-9 / 0.3E-6 = 0.27 the minimum size necessary for even the most expensive nuclear grade HEPA filters to remove it from an air stream.

    Furthermore, these systems are extremely expensive to design, build, maintain, flow balance and test.  The filter housing themselves must be sealed and tested, the HEPA filters must be disposed of as hazardous material, the HEPA filters must be procured (there is a marginal market for that since these systems are only used in biological labs and nuclear power plants).  A TAB (testing and balancing) engineer must test them and flow balance them, and the fans are powerful compared to normal use industrial fans since the ΔP is much higher across these filter trains than an ordinary industrial grade filter system.

    The testing involves injection of DOP (Dioctyl Phthalate) to test penetration of fine particles through potential tears in the filter media and especially bypass around the filters themselves due to lack of proper sealing against the frame of the filter housing.  The testing engineers for this sort of thing reside in one place, i.e., commercial nuclear reactors and utilities which run them.


    Buh-bye, dumbass.

  73. Randall Flagg

    Thanks for admitting HEPA filters can indeed filter the particles dad29 :)

  74. Randall Flagg

    For others, the logical fallacy dad29 was using to try and defend Mar is called “moving the goalposts.”  It occurs when someone makes a claim, that claim is proven false, and then the claim is revised to includeinformaiotn/conditions not in the original claim in order to say the proof did not refute the original claim.

    Let me illustrate:

    1)  Mar claims “Except hepa filters don’t kill the virus.”

    Well, hepa filters don’t kill, they trap.  But trapping the virus would kill it by trapping it, so OK.  Notice that he does not name a special type of hepa filter, so as long as I can find 1, his claim is proven false.

    2)  I show proof HEPA filters can indeed trap (kill) the virus.  Thus I have refuted his claim.

    3)  Dad29 has an article that talks about specific types of filters to try and negate my proof, but since MAR didn’t mention specific HEPA filters, it is irrelevant to the claim/proof it is false.

    If you want another example (video) check out:


  75. Randall Flagg

    So, what is the difference between moving the goal posts and changing our mind?  Simple, admit you were wrong and explain why you are no longer holding to your initial claim or why you are changing.  Then, you are not moving the goalposts and the revised claim can be fairly discussed.

  76. dad29

    Oh, man.  A pedantic twit with an IQ of 45 who is NEVER wrong.

    Done here.

  77. Randall Flagg

    Randall Flagg says:
    July 2, 2020 at 5:06 pm
    Thanks for pointing that out Mark.  I should have said since the great depression. My mistake.


    Man proving dad29 wrong as well.  Awesome!

  78. Randall Flagg

    I admit when I am wrong.  That is the difference between me and Trump, dad29, Mar, Mjm, Jason, Kevin…….

  79. Jason

    I have admitted every time I was wrong. You just dont see it often, and that’s another “you problem”. So keep digging your hole dummy.

  80. Mar

    Gee Randall, when have you admitted when you are wrong?
    I didn’t see you saying you were wrong about Madison defunding the cops in Madison’s schools, when you were completely wrong.

  81. Kevin Scheunemann


    Are you wrong about alleged secular public schools being free of the infection of the liberal “woke” religion?

  82. jjf

    Randall, don’t give him the attention he seeks…  it’s a trap!  It’s the Kevin’s Dictionary Trap!  Words mean what he wants them to mean, and you need to denounce them!  You must!  Or you’re awful, just awful!  And evil!

    And masks and filters…  now everyone’s a filter expert, last week they were expert epidemiologists, before that Constitutional experts, and of course Dad29 always has a Direct Line to the Lord.

    Is the goal to trap the virus itself?  Or much larger water droplets?   Or simply reduce the latter?  Is any mask far better than no mask?  Are two masked people better than one masked and one not masked?  If you cough or sneeze or shout or sing, is it better for others if you’re wearing a mask?

    Or to put it in self-centered WisGOP language, is it better for you if someone else is wearing a mask?

  83. Randall Flagg

    Gee Randall, when have you admitted when you are wrong?

    Oh man Mar.  Way to prove you don’t actually read and comprehend.  If you had, you would have seen me link to an example of me admitting I was wrong 3 POSTS ABOVE YOURS.

    How embarrassing for you and how rewarding to me!

  84. Randall Flagg

    Randall, don’t give him the attention he seeks…  it’s a trap!  It’s the Kevin’s Dictionary Trap!  Words mean what he wants them to mean, and you need to denounce them!  You must!  Or you’re awful, just awful!  And evil!

    Spot on JJF.  We see it time and time again.

  85. Randall Flagg

    I have admitted every time I was wrong. You just don’t see it often, and that’s another “you problem”. So keep digging your hole dummy.

    Glad to hear that Jason.  To prove it correct though you need to link to a post where you did so.

  86. Kevin Scheunemann

    Oh you libs,

    It would not be a “trap” if you did not believe it was true at some level.

    The problem you libs have is:  you realize the godless liberal wokeness is a religion and you double standard libs LOVE that religion.  It exposes your naked hatred and hostility toward Christianity in public sphere.

    Why are we required to bend to your public school religion where men are not men and women are not women in denial of biology?




  87. jjf

    I’m reminded of the way that atheism is a hobby just like not collecting stamps.

  88. Kevin Scheunemann


    Stamp collecting does not demand you deny biological sex.


  89. Le Roi du Nord

    So k, do you deny hermaphroditism? Or just things you disagree with?

  90. Kevin Scheunemann


    Which is like one in a million? Even then, one sex is usually selected at birth.

    I’m talking about men thinking they are women and women who think they are men.  To accept that notion…that is religion and public school is teaching this wokeness in spades.


  91. Le Roi du Nord

    Way off, k. Try again.

  92. Kevin Scheunemann


    On an issue I do not care about….Not happening.

    I am just disgusted you protect awful woke religion in public schools but get all hostile toward Christianity.


  93. Le Roi du Nord

    So k, you blame others for denying biological sex, but do it yourself. Hypocrisy is your forte.

  94. Mar

    Don’t worry about Le Roi’s beliefs Kevin, his mind is so far gone, he doesn’t know what he thinks.
    Or he lies about it.

  95. jjf

    Well, Le Roi, I’m off to not collect stamps.

  96. Mar

    Oh look, jjf is pretending to be relevant and cute.
    Fails on both counts.

  97. Kevin Scheunemann

    You liberals continue to fail to acknowkedge the sick, woke religion running through public schools while you cheer.

    Be consistent in your hateful hostility to religion.

  98. Randall Flagg


    First we need to agree (or at least see your proof) that there is a religion in public schools.  So please let us know:


    1)  Which set of defining characteristics of a religion are you applying, (including the source they are from)

    2)  A well thought out, intelligent posting of how these are exhibited/apply in public schools.

  99. Le Roi du Nord


    You will never get an answer to that question from k.

  100. Kevin Scheunemann

    Randall, Nord,

    Let’s compare Christianity to godless “church of liberalism”, and their liberal priesthood.

    1.) Christianity believes human life and soul is from the spark of divinity.   You godless believe life that is achieved through sex and death.

    2.) Christianity believes in invention and Creation.   You godless believe the world has diminishing resources and we should stop consuming, and the world is “winding down”.

    3.)  Christianity believes we stand apart from the world and we are in charge of Creation by God’s will.   You godless believe we are part of this world and our subduing the world for human prosperity is “sinful”.

    4.) Christianity believes we are in God’s image.    You godless believe we are no morally different than apes.

    5.) Christianity believes in populating the earth and God’s grace will continue to bless.   You godless believe we are in the twilight of our existence and more population is a curse.

    6.) Christianity believes in biological sex man and women.    You godless teach the transgender craze that men can pretend to be women in the woman’s shower.

    7.) Christianity believes in the sanctity of life.   You godless hold abortion as a sick, baby killing sacrament.

    8.) Christianity believes in punishment for the unrepentant perp.    You godless love to release the perp no matter how evil and unrepentant the perp is…in the name of tolerance.

    9.)  Christianity believes in child discipline.  You godless believe in sparing the rod, spoiling the teacher.

    10.)  Christianity believes in rational witness.   You godless bend every knee for sobbing, hysterical women, which now includes men in gender bending.

    11.) Christianity believes people Martyr for standing for the Gospel.  You godless think criminals are martyr’s for evil acts if it advances a political candidate you like.

    12.)  Christianity believes marriage is one man, one women before God.   You godless believe marriage can be anything, including to yourself, and now it sems not limited to 2 people.   It is a covenant with the devil.

    12.)  Christianity believes in absolute, objective truth.  You godless bend the truth to whatever you think it is based on this nebulous notion of wokeness in the victimhood pyraimid.

    I could go on comparing the 2 religions.

    For you godless to deny the teachings in your awful religion is to deny basic truth.


  101. Le Roi du Nord


    Fortunately you live in a country where you can believe whatever you want. The flip side to that freedom is that others can tell you that you are wrong. And you are.

    Specifically, could you expound on your claim in #2? Are you saying that fossil fuels are being “invented”?

    And what are you trying to say in #9, 10, and your second #12 ?

  102. Kevin Scheunemann


    You dishonest snake oil salesman!

    We were not discussing whether one is free to practice religion, but whether the woke, liberal, godless, religion permeates the public school with public taxpayer funding!

    It is clear fromyour response, you are capitulating that!

    In #2, I am saying invention or “technology” advancment makes resources endless read some Jay Abraham if you want to get out fromunder the destructive, godless, deprivation ridden, poverty distributor, liberal preacher, Paul Ehrlich on the topic.

    9.)  Liberalism hates discipline, especially of children and criminals.

    10.) Truth matters objectively, not sobbing emotion trying to manipulate the truth.

    12.) Don’t play dumb, you know absolute truth I convey vs. the sick moral relativism of liberalism.

  103. Le Roi du Nord


    Thanks for all the word salad, petty insults, and non-response.

    So as someone that has habitually mocked and all alternatives to fossil fuel, how do you explain your sudden change of heart? (2)

    #9. No. That is strictly your biased opinion.

    Odd you would mention truth in light of all the other nonsense you spout.

    Ditto #12(2). You know nothing of truth. See all your comments.

  104. Jason

    Hey Leroy, shouldn’t you be focused on gathering the proof you need to show damages to your non de plume?  After all you threatened defamation charges just a day ago.  I’ll never consider your opinion on anything you call non-sense or false or biased, and I wager even u\jfoust2 would take a hard pass on any advice from you.

  105. Le Roi du Nord


    I would never expect a denier like you to take any sound advice, from me or any other smart folks.  Denying is your game, and you’ll stick with what you know.  Carry on.

  106. Jason

    Leroy, that’s not true and easily disproved, therefore unassailable. Have a good prune juice and get to bed before you fall again.

  107. Randall Flagg


    You will never get an answer to that question from k.

    Spot on.  His reply did not answer either of the questions.  As someone else put it on here, Kevin likes to use “Kevin’s Dictionary” and try force others to use his definitions.

  108. Mar

    So Convicted Criminal Pathological Liar Le Roi, I am waiting for my papers to be served.
    Do you need address, I can give you one, if you need it.

  109. Randall Flagg

    7.) Christianity believes in the sanctity of life.   You godless hold abortion as a sick, baby killing sacrament.

    Many abortion patients reported a religious affiliation—24% were Catholic, 17% were mainline Protestant, 13% were evangelical Protestant and 8% identified with some other religion. Thirty-eight percent of patients had no religious affiliation.


  110. Randall Flagg

    12.)  Christianity believes in absolute, objective truth.

    If so, why are there only 200 denominations in the US alone?  And multiple versions of the bible?  Absolute truth would mean 1 denomination, 1 bible (with 1 version)


  111. Randall Flagg

    1.) Christianity believes human life and soul is from the spark of divinity.   You godless believe life that is achieved through sex and death.

    Hmmmmm…haven’t heard of women getting pregnant without sex.

  112. Randall Flagg

    2.) Christianity believes in invention and Creation.

    No they don’t.  Example:  the Catholic Church  prohibition against the Copernican theory of the earth’s motion.  How about trying Galileo for heresy?


  113. Randall Flagg

    It’s easy to say what Christians supposedly believe in.  The proof of believing is actions consistent with those beliefs.  As Christians have shown for thousands of years, their stated beliefs are empty words.


  114. Kevin Scheunemann


    Technology expands resources.

    Get educated.

  115. Kevin Scheunemann


    You spend a lot of time denying Christianity, but you never deny the sick teachings of the woke faith infecting public schools.

    Why is that?

    You protect your preferred, wokester, religion in terms of taxpayer funding?

    Not surprised.

  116. jjf

    Randall, it’s like he invents a new word every day.

  117. Jason

    Randall is trying to disprove statements about a group via individual examples of people that are not really members of that group.  Way to go Randall, you’ve got the dumbest posts today.   Maybe – for you – the 2 and 3 AM hours are not the best times to try to think?  Of course I haven’t seen a post that shows a good time for you do it.

  118. Kevin Scheunemann


    Try to keep up with the adults.


  119. Randall Flagg

    Sure they are members of the group, Jason.  They say they are Christians, and there is no test you can give to prove they are not.  So I take them at their word.


  120. Randall Flagg


    First we need to agree (or at least see your proof) that there is a religion in public schools.  So please let us know:

    1)  Which set of defining characteristics of a religion are you applying, (including the source they are from)

    2)  A well thought out, intelligent posting of how these are exhibited/apply in public schools.

    3) Evidence of said “teachings”

    Until then, you calling it a religion does not make it a religion unless it matches the defining characteristics of a religion.   You can’t use “Kevin’s Dictionary” as someone aptly put it.

  121. Randall Flagg


    Adding to my post above, we must also consider what other Christians do when they hear about misdeeds of their own.  Do they identify those doing the misdeeds and remove them, or do they allow the misdeeds to continue.

    Look at the Catholic priest abuse.  It happened for decades, many other Christians did nothing, and in fact enabled them to continue to abuse.  This went to the highest level of leadership.  Law enforcement also helped the continue.

    Every group has bad apples; the true test is what do they do with those bad apples once they have knowledge of their activities.

    Oh, and this is not exclusive to religions; it happens in all sorts of groups. For example do some research on Bill Kramer in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Republicans knew what he was doing, and not only didn’t report him, but elected him to majority leader.

    The difference though is in scale, scope and duration of enabling bad apples.  No other group can match religions in those.

  122. Kevin Scheunemann


    Are you denying all the public school teachings I identified in 12 points above?

    Are you kidding me?   Or are you just blind?


  123. Randall Flagg


    First we need to agree (or at least see your proof) that there is a religion in public schools.  So please let us know:

    1)  Which set of defining characteristics of a religion are you applying, (including the source they are from)

    2)  A well thought out, intelligent posting of how these are exhibited/apply in public schools.

    3) Evidence of said “teachings”

    Until then, you calling it a religion does not make it a religion unless it matches the defining characteristics of a religion.   You can’t use “Kevin’s Dictionary” as someone aptly put it.

  124. Le Roi du Nord


    “Technology expands resources.”

    So as someone that has habitually mocked and all alternatives to fossil fuel, how do you explain your sudden change of heart?  What resources are expanding?  Be specific.

  125. Le Roi du Nord

    “7.) Christianity believes in the sanctity of life.”

    Tell that to the victims of the Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, Native Americans, etc.

  126. Kevin Scheunemann


    When did I mock economical energy alternatives?

    I mock your insane Marxism. When you need government subsidy to make energyalternatives work, that is economic destruction and I ridicule your insanity on that. Alternatives that consume more resources beyond rational market forces is Marxist stupidity….and bad for environmrnt.

  127. Kevin Scheunemann


    See my list above.

    Neither of you can deny the sick, woke, religion in public schools.

    You can have your sick religion.

    Just stop your bitching about vouchers to good Christian schools is all I ask. Otherwise, you should savage and be hostile to your woke religion permeating public schools as well…in objective fairness.

    Just asking for honesty.

  128. Randall Flagg


    First we need to agree (or at least see your proof) that there is a religion in public schools.  So please let us know:

    1)  Which set of defining characteristics of a religion are you applying, (including the source they are from)

    2)  A well thought out, intelligent posting of how these are exhibited/apply in public schools.

    3) Evidence of said “teachings”

    Until then, you calling it a religion does not make it a religion.  You can’t use “Kevin’s Dictionary” as someone aptly put it.

  129. Le Roi du Nord


    You have belittled wind, solar, and energy conservation measure at every opportunity.  Geez, you have a short memory.

    How am I a marxist?  Please be specific, and truthful.

    How about foxconn; marxist, or the 8th wonder of the world?  Or the boondoggle that cost walker his job?

    Don’t ever lecture me on what is bad for the environment.  You are waaaaay out of your league.

  130. Kevin Scheunemann


    I belittle those things when they require massive subsidy to work!

    That is a waste of resources!!!

    It also prevents innovation!

    As a Marxist, you probably don’t comprehend.

  131. jjf

    Randall, “religion” can mean anything Kevin wants it to mean.  He’s run out of defenses for his actual religion, so he plans to win by calling science “religion.”  This is his “I’m Rubber, Now You’re Glue” defense.

  132. Mar

    From Briticana: “Religion, human beings’ relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of especial reverence.”
    For liberals, liberalism is a religion. There is no room for dissent, as we ate seeing now. And if you don’t believe in their beliefs, like climate change, then you are a sinful person and they will shame you.
    The liberals do the exact same thing they complain about what Kevin is doing.

  133. Randall Flagg


    Why did you cherry pick just part of the definition?

  134. Mar

    Or, I could have put in the whole definition and it would have taken a page or 2.
    I used the first sentence, which is usually the most informative sentence in the article.

  135. Randall Flagg

    If you were intellectually honest, you would have used the whole definition.

    Or noted that was not the whole definition

    Or linked to the whole definition.


  136. jjf

    I dunno, at what point do we get to say, forever, over and over, that he’s a lying liar who can’t stop lying and will never denounce his evil lying?

  137. Mar

    Oh, cut the crap, Randall. You could look it up, you could post it.
    You could also dispute what I said.
    Classic dickless liberal response.

  138. Jason

    Careful Mar, you might get another Defamation threat!  Randall could show serious harm if people knew he was dickless.

  139. jjf

    The Insults And The Cruelty Are The Point.

  140. dad29

    Jason & Kevin, you should stand back in awe of the Model of Human Perfection known as “Randall”.  Note well that he sees evils in anyone;  he learned his Alinsky very well.  Also note that he can squeeze predatory priests into ANY conversation, although he’s not yet brought it up in the context of global warming/cooling/climate change/whatever.  We should give him the chance!

    However, he has yet to answer my question of a few days ago concerning what he was prior to his birth.  He told us definitively that before birth, those things inside human mommies are NOT human, so that rules out “Randall” being human before his birth.  He also failed to describe the process by which he became “human” (if we are to believe that’s the case.)

    Let’s let “Randall” catch up there before you bother with any more disputations.  I know that’s what I’m going to do.


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