Boots & Sabers

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0840, 31 Dec 19

Wisconsin Elections Commission Breaks Law

Lawless. Our Republic falls apart when arrogant bureaucrats refuse to implement the laws that the people pass. If they don’t have to follow the laws they don’t like, why should I?

With a 3-3 party line vote, a Republican motion that would have ordered the commission to remove some voters from the rolls failed to advance. Voters removed from the rolls would need to register at their new address if they moved or at their same address if they didn’t. Wisconsin offers same-day registration, so voters can register at the polls the day of an election with proper ID and proof of address.

Monday’s inaction by the commission is the second time this month commissioners deadlocked on a path forward on the state’s voter roll issue, which has garnered national attention.

The commission’s meeting comes after Ozaukee County Judge Paul Malloy earlier this month ordered the state to purge voters flagged as having moved. Earlier in December, commissioners deadlocked 3-3 along party lines, failing to advance a motion that would have removed voters from the rolls within seven business days of Malloy’s order.
For the record, these are the commissioners who are voting to violate the law and a very clear court order. These are the people who are unfit and should never be trusted with the public’s business. Frankly, I wouldn’t trust any of them with private business either.
Julie M Glancey – Sheboygan Falls
Ann S. Jacobs – Milwaukee
Mark L. Thomsen – Milwaukee

0840, 31 December 2019


  1. dad29

    *Shock*……..Jacobs is a PI lawyer.

    Not so much on actual lawyer, I guess.  You know:  black-letter yes/no law and decisions.

  2. Merlin

    Test their level of martyrdom for their cause with escalating sanctions.

  3. Mar

    Contempt of court?

  4. Kevin Scheunemann

    They should be arrested for treason.

  5. jjf

    Democrats on the commission want to wait for further direction from the courts before deactivating any voters. They argue the data flagging potential movers is unreliable, and that deactivating potential movers equates to stripping the right to vote from those people.

    Who cares if the data is reliable?

  6. Mar

    Gee, only those Dems think the data is unreliable.
    Actually, it is cut and dry data. If you didnt send the letter back it is because you are not living at the address the sent the mail or they were too lazy to give postcard to the letter carrier.

  7. dad29

    it is because you are not living at the address the sent the mail or they were too lazy to give postcard to the letter carrier.

    Or maybe they cannot read and comprehend.  There are a few of those around here.

  8. Mar

    “Or maybe they cannot read and comprehend.  There are a few of those around here.”
    How did they register to vote?

  9. Pat

    Mar asks, “ How did they register to vote?”

    The answer is very simple.

    “You can also have an assistant when completing a voter registration application or absentee application. After completing the application, the assistor must then sign the form in the appropriate box and provide any additional required information.”

    I’m guessing this is how most Trump voters registered.

  10. Mar

    Well, Pat, most of the Trump voters I have met are smarter than the average bear and liberal.
    So, if the theses voters need assistance to vote, then they need assistance to send non-voter card in.
    Unless these voters have the IQ of 4th grader, then they may not be smart enough to vote.
    But that would include about 90% liberals who are not smarter than 4th grader.

  11. Pat


    I’m inclined to agree with you that most of the Trump voters you’ve met probably are smarter than the average bear. I’d wager a guess they are at least as smart as the above average bear.

  12. Kevin Scheunemann


    If smart people are voting for Trump, what is your excuse?

    Should the incredibly dumb even have a say if they ignore the mailer, and are not smart enough to get a photo ID at any DMV?

  13. Pat


    Mar was referencing smart bears. I agreed with him. Unless he meant the Chicago Bears.

  14. Mike

    Milwaukee needs those registrations. Without them they may not be able to “find”  47,000 votes to put the next Democrat in office.

  15. jjf

    Can’t read.  Can’t follow instructions.  Too lazy.  Didn’t jump through the hoops.

    Here comes the literacy test again, in a new form.

    Mike, tell us how you organize 47,000 fake votes to happen.

  16. Kevin Scheunemann


    If you can’t care enough to get a photo ID to vote with your current address and show up at polls…do you deserve to vote?


  17. Mar

    jjf, if a individual is in a wheelchair, has a profound mental disability with the mind of 1 year old, is incapable of caring for themselves and is unable to read, write or speak, should they be allowed to vote if they are their own legal guardian?

  18. Jason

    >Here comes the literacy test again, in a new form.

    Do you actually think that this action… this lawful action… would stop someone from voting? That is what you are trying to infer by conflating this with that.

  19. Jason

    Thanks Pat. Hopefully jjf can comprehend that and will now stop spreading FUD regarding what this suit is all about. He ironically posts about “literacy tests” but has proven his F grade.

  20. jjf

    What did the world do before photo ID?

    Scandal?  What was the conclusion?  That they were fake votes?

  21. Kevin Scheunemann


    Before photo ID, Democrats shipped truckloads of voters in from out of state.   Then there is the infamous Lena Taylor”lovehouse” that had 43 voter registrations at one address.

    Liberals cheated before photo ID.

    Not so much anymore, and Trump won WI.


  22. Mar

    Pat, there are many instances where at the age of 18, the parents either don’t believe they need guardianship or they chose not to get it. So the disabled adult has not been adjudicated yet

    I have seen this hundreds of times as a special education teacher.

  23. Le Roi du Nord

    “Before photo ID, Democrats shipped truckloads of voters in from out of state”

    You sure about that, or are you making stuff up again?

  24. Mar

    Well, when I lived in Vegas, that happened, I saw it and was reported on it in the 2012 election.
    Where they came from, I don’t know. None of them spoke English, though. Not that it matters.

  25. Kevin Scheunemann

    “Before Photo ID”

  26. jjf

    I think what you’re saying, Mar, is that you never noticed the fake voters who spoke English, but for some reason you focused on the ones who weren’t speaking English.  Go on…

  27. Jason

    jjf, smearing FUD like it’s truffle oil in 2020.  Why don’t you take a minute to tell us all why you attempted to conflate WILL’s suit with “Literacy Tests”?  Go ahead, take some time to collect your thoughts and tell us how you got from A to B.


    I feel it would be a much better use of your time that just throwing out unrelated thoughts for the adults to continue to ignore.

  28. Jason

    “Voters who are removed from the voter rolls, whether correctly or mistakenly, can regain the ability to cast ballots by re-registering online, at their clerk’s office or at the polls on election day”

    Sounds like that’s the same as the “Literacy Test” right?  People who failed a literacy test were still able to vote on election day, or through their clerk’s office?

  29. Kevin Scheunemann

    Liberals ignore crime, that is what they do.

  30. Kevin Scheunemann

    Are you saying JS article is libel?

  31. Le Roi du Nord

    No.  But perhaps you are guilty of it.

    Was Taylor convicted, or was it just an accusation as the article states?  Or are you assuming that because sikma said it, it must be true?

  32. Kevin Scheunemann


    I stoopped reading as soon as I saw “dale shultz”.   He was a poor excuse for a Republican.

  33. Jason

    I notice that jiffy has disappeared from the discussion. Once his FUD is highlighted, he runs away.

  34. Mar

    jjf, when a bus load of Spanish speakers get off the bus in a swanky part of Henderson, NV, a suburb of Vegas, you kind of notice it.

  35. Le Roi du Nord


    I don’t know the  dale shultz you referenced, but the article is dealing with Dale Schultz, former long term R legislator from SW WI. Those facts are easily accessible and available on-line . Perhaps you should have read a little farther.

  36. Kevin Scheunemann


    It has nothing to do with liberals defying the law in their treasonaous behavior.

  37. jjf

    Jason, are you jumping on Kevin’s “jump monkey jump” bandwagon?

    Yes, taking people off the rolls (using suggestions that are in question) and then requiring them to jump through hoops to get back on the rolls…  yeah, that’s vote suppression.  Everyone doesn’t have Internet.  Everyone might not be able to go to the library to use the Internet or go to the DMV or City Hall.  It’s all hoops designed to suppress Certain People, as Dad29 would say.

    Mar, so you could just tell that They Weren’t From Around Here, huh?

  38. Jason

    > yeah, that’s vote suppression.

    That’s bullshit, I even quoted it, you didn’t comprehend it.

    “Voters who are removed from the voter rolls, whether correctly or mistakenly, can regain the ability to cast ballots by re-registering online, at their clerk’s office or at the polls on election day”

    You chose a single option and expanded on it to what a half dozen people in the state who might or might not be able to complete, and then attacked another person with a slight racism tinge.   There are two other options there.   Not to mention the steps taken to ensure the voter roll purges are as tight as possible…

    With all that said,  you have to agree that equating purging voter rolls to a “Literacy Test” is absolute bullshit.

    Of course you also sidetracked to Mar – again with the racist projection.

    You certainly have a pattern of projecting racism on people you disagree with.

  39. jjf

    Jason, if the WisGOP was actively trying to increase the number of voters and making it easier for legit people to vote, we’d be having a different conversation, wouldn’t we?  But they’re not.

    If removing someone supposedly has no effect, then why is it so important?

    Racist?  Yes, like the way Mar “just knows” that bus of people must be Not Right.

  40. Kevin Scheunemann


    Let me get this straight, proving who you are and your residency in the jurisdiction is “jump monkey,jump”?

    You are totally insance.

    How do you keep people, who don’t live in the precinct, from voting then?????

    This is precisely why people perceive liberalism as mental illness.


  41. Jason

    >Jason, if the WisGOP was actively trying to increase the number of voters and making it easier for legit people to vote, we’d be having a different conversation, wouldn’t we? But they’re not.


    >If removing someone supposedly has no effect, then why is it so important?


    Conflating purging voter rolls to Literacy Tests…. FUD.

    Looks like you wasted the time you spent “collecting your thoughts, right Elmer?

    >Yes, like the way Mar “just knows” that bus of people must be Not Right.

    You arguing with him about his personal experience as if you can prove hes racist… is projection Elmer.

  42. Le Roi du Nord


    Do you know the definition of “treasonaous” ?  Probably not.

  43. jjf

    Jason, dig right in at page 79, tell me why the WEC staff’s recommendations are wrong-headed.  Are they in charge of determining what’s reasonable evidence that someone has moved, or not?

  44. jjf

    Kevin, I said “legit voters.”  By that, I implied they’ve registered.

    So what exactly does removing someone from the rolls do?  Tell me about the purposes this serves. What was the legislature attempting to accomplish in 2015 when it made this and dozens of other changes?

  45. Kevin Scheunemann


    Undermining our democracy by undermining the elections.


    Anyone who can prove who they are,and where thye live can vote.  What is the problem?

  46. jjf

    How does someone undermine an election, and has this happened?

  47. dad29

    Are they in charge of determining what’s reasonable evidence that someone has moved, or not?

    “Staff” is not there to rewrite legislation, nor to interpret facts leading to a result contrary to legislation.  If Vos and Fitz had a pair between them, there would be a 90% reduction in budget for these little worms and snakes.

    Not to worry.  Vos and Fitz do not have balls.

  48. Kevin Scheunemann


    By allowing people to vote who are not eligible to vote.


  49. jjf

    I agree, Dad29.  But did you read WEC’s recommendation that I linked to, that’s part of what WILL filed?  Do they or do they not have any power to determine what’s reliable info as to whether someone’s moved?

    Kevin, tell me how someone would still vote.

  50. Mar

    “Mar, so you could just tell that They Weren’t From Around Here, huh?”
    Yeah, pretty much. It would be a bus of non English speakers showing up in Elm Grove.

  51. jjf

    So what does that have to do with whether they can vote?

  52. Kevin Scheunemann


    If someone has moved….their old registration is now invalid!

    Anyone moving to a new address needs to folow the procedure to register at new addreess.   this ahas no effect on the issue we are talking about.

    How disingenuous are your trying to be?

  53. Jason

    >Jason, dig right in at page 79, tell me why the WEC staff’s recommendations are wrong-headed.  Are they in charge of determining what’s reasonable evidence that someone has moved, or not?


    The lawsuit isn’t about whether they are in charge of anything.  It’s about them not following the law.   And none of this addresses you screaming “Literacy Test”.  Funny how hard you twist and turn rather than directly address it, Elmer.

  54. Jason

    >So what exactly does removing someone from the rolls do?

    In order to answer that, I want to make sure you understand the entire concept.  So tell us why we have voter rolls in the first place.  Then if we can baseline that, then we can talk about why they should or should not be accurate.

  55. jjf

    Jason, the question at the front of WILL’s case is whether WEC and their staff are following the law and whether they can determine whether the ERIC data can be trusted and then whether they have any authority to decide what to do about that.  Did you read WILL’s filing?  If the data isn’t reliable, what should they do?

  56. Jason

    That’s false Elmer.

    “Wisconsin Statute § 6.50(3) is very clear as to WEC’s duty if the voter does not respond to the notice.  If the elector . . . fails to apply for continuation of registration within 30 days of the date the notice is mailed, the clerk or board of election commissioners shall change the elector’s registration from eligible to ineligible status

    Despite the mandatory language in the statute, the Defendants have decided that if voters do not respond to the notice that WEC would not change the voter’s registration from eligible to ineligible status until somewhere between 12 months and 24 months after the notice was mailed and not responded to, rather than in 30 days as required by the statute.”


    That’s from your link.

  57. jjf

    Yeah, and if you read the rest, you saw WEC’s explanation of what they saw, and why they believed they could act as they did.  What does “reliable” mean to you, and again, what are the consequences of someone not being on the rolls?  The harm is where?

  58. Jason

    >again, what are the consequences of someone not being on the rolls?  The harm is where?

    Again…  In order to answer that, I want to make sure you understand the entire concept.  So tell us why we have voter rolls in the first place.  Then if we can baseline that, then we can talk about why they should or should not be accurate.



  59. Jason

    >The harm is where?

    Why should I answer that?  You still have yet to explain how you jumped from this lawsuit to the “Literacy Test”.   We all know it’s FUD, but I want to hear you admit it.

  60. jjf

    They are a list of people who have been approved to vote in an election, based largely on residency.  From the largest to the smallest level, it matters where you supposedly live, as it determines who you can vote for, which ballot you get.

    Do you want to tell me what “reliable” means?

    I view all the hurdles to voting as methods of vote suppression.

    I’ve left out the most active consumers of voter rolls:  the parties themselves.  The rolls are routinely poured into the demographic databases maintained by both parties in order to drive campaign materials and efforts, determining likely voters for your candidates or the opposition.  And then there’s gerrymandering!

  61. dad29

    Jason, he’ll NEVER answer a direct question with a direct answer.  Jiffy is a wannabee lawyer, just like that crook on the Commission (actually a PI ‘lawyer,’ not a real one.)

    You’re talking to a wall.

  62. jjf

    What was insufficient about my answer, Daddio?  My answer wasn’t a good two-sentence explanation of the rolls?  Be brave!  Give us your two-sentence definition!

  63. Kevin Scheunemann


    You did not address my last comment at all.

    ….because you are disingenuous.

  64. Jason

    >I view all the hurdles to voting as methods of vote suppression.

    And I view this as idiocy si ce I maintain that in WI this is NOT a hurdle. The historical use of a Literacy Test was a hurdle… this is not even comparable. Thanks for finally settling that. Only took two days to draw it out of you.

  65. MjM

    Jiffy admits: “I view all the hurdles to voting as methods of vote suppression.”

    So, in your opinion, anyone should be able to vote anywhere anytime in any election on any day, in any month, in any year, as many times as one wants even if an illegal alien or resident non-citizen or felon or 5 years old?

    Keep in mind that any answer you provide other than “yes” means you do, in fact, support vote suppression.

  66. Jason

    Elmer is to simple to understand the complexities you have just pointed out MjM.

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