Boots & Sabers

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1641, 13 Dec 19

Judge Orders State Elections Commission to Comply with Clear Law

Wow. Isn’t that a slanted opening paragraph?

PORT WASHINGTON — A Wisconsin judge on Friday ordered that the registration of up to 234,000 voters be tossed out because they may have moved, a victory for conservatives that could make it more difficult for people to vote next year in the key swing state.

No, it won’t make it harder for any legitimate voter to vote. That’s a BS argument.

The judge sided with three voters represented by a conservative law firm who argued the state elections commission should have immediately deactivated any of the roughly 234,000 voters who didn’t respond to an October mailing within 30 days. The voters were flagged as having potentially moved.

Ozaukee County Judge Paul Malloy denied a request by elections commission attorneys to put his decision on hold. He ordered the state Elections Commission to follow the law requiring voters who didn’t respond to be deactivated.

“I can’t tell them how to do that, they’re going to have to figure that out,” Malloy said of the commission deactivating the voters.

The law is clear as day and easy to follow. The folks in the Elections Commission just don’t want to do it and are throwing up lame excuses for why they won’t do their jobs.


1641, 13 December 2019


  1. dad29

    denied a request by elections commission attorneys to put his decision on hold

    He’s just copying the Obozo-judge m.o. with regard to immigration, walls, terrorists….hope that the Election Board likes it, because they damn well should eat it.

    You may have noted that they wanted to delay implementing the law until April 2021 (not a typo.)  Slugs.

  2. steveegg

    <i>You may have noted that they wanted to delay implementing the law until April 2021 (not a typo.)  Slugs.</i>

    When they hope to have their fellow-traveller Lawgivers-In-Black re-seize the state Supreme Court, thus allowing them to never implement the law.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann

    Good judge! Striking idiot liberal cheating arguments down.

  4. MjM

    Somebody heard you, Owen. Here’s the new opening paragraphs, via the same link, “updated” an hour and a half after you posted:

    “PORT WASHINGTON — Thousands of Wisconsin voters will be removed from the state’s voter registry following the ruling of an Ozaukee County Circuit Court judge, Dec. 13.

    The ruling could affect up to 234,000 Wisconsin voters. They will have the opportunity to re-register right up to election day. But this case is likely going to be heard by the Wisconsin Supreme Court.”

    Base on the quotations in the OP, it seems the entire article was rewritten, not just “updated”. Democrat dog whistling is seen throughout. The last paragraph (political experts!) is actually funny in it’s woe-is-us whiny bias.

    Side Bar: In opposition to the opinion of the so-called “journalist”, the WSC will reject without comment.

  5. steveegg

    MjM, it all depends on which district hears the appeal.  This one seems destined for either Milwaukee or Madison, where the reversal at the appellate level will require Supreme Court correction.

  6. Mar

    From jsonline: “They asked Malloy to issue an injunction that would require election officials to purge their rolls. Kaul, commissioners and others say that would lead to some people getting knocked off the rolls who shouldn’t be.
    But Malloy went further than issuing an injunction. In granting a writ of mandamus — essentially a court order that a government official or agency do its job — he said he was convinced the commission had a clear, positive, plain legal duty to purge the voter rolls within 30 days.”

    I love this judge.

  7. MjM

    @EggMan… True, I should have written the qualifier, “if it gets that far”. However, would not any appeal be assigned to the judges in Court of Appeals District 2, who’s jurisdiction covers the circuit court in which the original decision was made? CAD2 is based in Waukesha.

    The three complainants reside in CAD2 (one each in Waukesha, Ozaukee, Washington counties) and WILL was smart enough to ‘find’ them there.

  8. Mar

    Finally, conservatives taking a page from the liberal playbook. Judge and plaintiff shopping.
    While I disagree with liberals on their policies, I do admire them on how they play politics. And finally, the conservatives are learning how to play hard ball.

  9. dad29

    the conservatives are learning how to play hard ball.

    Note well that in this instance, ‘the conservatives’ are an outside group.  A demonstration that Republicans ‘are learning how to play hardball’ would be nice, too.

    For example, a DOJ prosecution of Obama for sedition.

  10. jjf

    But Dad29, from another story, Prof. Shh n’ Shh says:

    “The law says what it says and it cannot be ignored because of concerns about its political implications,” he said by email. “In fact, we never considered this kind of political question — only the law and how the Wisconsin Elections Commission is failing to follow it.”

    He never considered it. Never. No political considerations. Anyone believe him? 

  11. dad29

    “Politics” was never, ever, a part of the most corrupt FBI/CIA investigation ever.  Just ask “St.” Jim Comey.

    And even YOU don’t believe him, do you?

  12. jjf

    I think what you’re saying is that you don’t believe Esenberg.

  13. dad29

    Didn’t know that you had the gift of divination-of-pixels, Jiffy.  And you’d be wrong.  The law is the law, as Esenberg said.

    Except if you’re the FBI, CIA, NSA, Obozo, or his cabinet, of course.

  14. TEXAG

    The article does not report the actual reasons voters could be flagged. The most probable explanation is that they have not voted in the past 4 years. If a person decides to only vote in Presidential years, they may have to re-register each time, although the polls are generally examined after that election, not before. In any case, we make it incredibly simple to register, even on election day – you simply need to prove you are who you are, and that you live where you say you live.

  15. Mar

    Texag,in other articles, they cross checked their addresses against new drivers licences among other things.

  16. dad29

    Yup.  DL’s and auto registrations, plus certain sorts of ‘change of address’ filings are monitored by a 3rd party and sent to the State.

    It makes sense that Milwaukee and Madistan have most transients.

  17. jjf

    Dad29, I wasn’t asking about the law, I was asking about Prof. Shh ‘n Shh’s statement.  He never considered the political implications!

    Slowly, the B&S readers began to realize that “clear law” can have political and even racist implications.

  18. MjM

    In case you were wondering….

    “Court of Appeals District 2/4

    OCCD CA 12-18-2019  Court Order

    IT IS ORDERED that the appellants’ [WEC] request for an immediate temporary stay without a response from the respondents is denied.
    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the respondents shall file a response to the appellant’s motion for an expedited stay no later than 9:00 a.m. on Monday, December 23, 2019.”

    @EggMan:  you called it…

    “OCCD CA 12-18-2019 Transfer to District IV”

    Appeal Number 2019XX002120, if you want to follow along.

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