Boots & Sabers

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1716, 14 Nov 19

Taxes Up. Ranking Falls.


Wisconsin’s state and local tax ranking has fallen over the prior year but remains a little higher than the year before that, the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau show.

Taxes took up 10.3% of Wisconsinites’ income in 2017, a slight increase from 10.2% in 2016. Despite that uptick, the state took a modest step forward compared to its peers around the country, with Wisconsin’s ranking dropping to 19th highest in 2017 from 16th highest in 2016.

The public should be cautious, however, about reading too much into the 2017 data alone since not much has changed since 2015. That year, the state’s taxes took up 10.4% of personal income and ranked 22nd highest.



1716, 14 November 2019

1 Comment

  1. steveegg

    Relativists’/TaxAndSpenders’ take – “At least we didn’t really take you to the woodshed like our colleagues across the country.”

    Realists’ take – “This deal’s getting worse all the time.”

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