Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1311, 01 Jul 19

Governor Leaves Kids to be Abused in Prison

That’s how the headline would have been written if Walker was still in office.

Gov. Tony Evers announced he has signed into law a bill that delays the closure of the troubled Lincoln Hills and Copper Lake youth prisons by six months.

Monday’s announcement, which came after the governor signed the bill on Friday, means the northern Wisconsin facilities won’t likely close until at least July 2021.


The new July 2021 deadline Evers signed into law runs counter to the indefinite delay he had wanted to accommodate construction of the replacement facilities. Evers shortly after taking office said he wanted to delay closure by as much as two years.

Much like the schools, the problems at Lincoln Hills have very little to do with the building. It has to do with what’s going on inside it.


1311, 01 July 2019


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