Boots & Sabers

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0714, 03 Apr 19

Hagedorn Wins Supreme Court Race

Huzzah, huzzah. It is great to see the voters of Wisconsin push back on anti-religious bigotry and elect a great, constructionist jurist to the highest court.

Conservative Brian Hagedorn, who was Walker’s chief legal counsel for five years, led liberal-backed Lisa Neubauer by 5,911 votes out of 1.2 million cast, based on unofficial results. That is a difference of about 0.49 percentage point, close enough for Neubauer to request a recount but she would have to pay for it.

Hagedorn declared victory early Wednesday morning.

“The people of Wisconsin have spoken, and our margin of victory is insurmountable,” he said in a statement.

Minutes after he declared victory, the Neubauer campaign sent out a fundraising plea saying “with the vote total neck and neck, it looks like we’re heading into a potential recount.” Her campaign adviser Scott Spector said Wednesday morning that Hagedorn’s declaration of victory did not change their position that a recount was likely.


0714, 03 April 2019


  1. Merlin

    Good to see that the anti-Christian smear campaign failed.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    What an awesome result!

    What is concerning is: 49% of people aligning themselves with liberal anti-Christian bigotry.


  3. dad29

    49% of people aligning themselves with liberal anti-Christian bigotry.

    Yes, but that’s a small sample of the Wisconsin electorate.  IOW, it’s likely that–were the vote-count around 3 million, that percentage would be a lot smaller, prolly in the 42-45% range.

    However, we can declare Dane County to be a branch of San Francisco.  Maybe SFO would be kind enough to annex it so we don’t have to face the shame of having that festering carbuncle in our State.

  4. Mar

    Dad, the City of Milwaukee is not too far behind Madison. Except,in Milwaukee, it’s the poverty pimps that drive the city.

  5. Le Roi du Nord


    Always gracious in victory, eh.  You just can’t help yourself, can you.  Just another example of your small-minded and petty nature.  I sure hope Hagedorn will surprise us all and be the fair and even-handed SC judge you claim he is.


    Could you show where you came up with that 42-45% figures ?  Same source that makes 48% walker a winner?

  6. dad29

    Pulled it out of my ass.  Learned the technique from you, LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy.

    How’s it feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel to lose another one, boy?

  7. Le Roi du Nord

    About the same as when Screnock and walker won.

  8. Mar

    Le Roi, gee, I’m glad Obozo didn’t gloat win he won his elections.
    Something tells me if the liberal buffon would have won, you would be doing cartwheels down the street, including in front of Dad’s house.

  9. dad29

    We’d have him arrested for DC if he showed up around here.  Bad enough that he’ll be in the Big Slime to the east summer of 2020

  10. Merlin

    It’s been almost 24 hours. Milwaukee still hasn’t played the “found” ballots gambit yet. Saving it for a recount?

  11. Kevin Scheunemann


    If Hagedorn lives his Christianity, the WI Preamble, and the WI constitution as a strict constructionist…of course he will be fair and even-handed!

    Why would liberals think otherwise?

  12. Le Roi du Nord

    “Why would liberals think otherwise?”

    Based on his words and actions.

  13. dad29

    As usual, LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy evades and sprays foofoodust.

    “Words” and “actions” are not meaningful at all, except as they relate to “decisions” he rendered as a judge.  So show us the decisions which are bigoted or unfair based on the law as written.

    We’ll wait.

  14. Kevin Scheunemann

    Yes Nord,

    Please provide the evidence, not your insane opinion.

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