Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1952, 27 Mar 19

Appeals Court Stays Niess Ruling

As expected.

Parts of laws the GOP-controlled Legislature adopted curtailing executive branch powers are back in place after a state appeals court Wednesday temporarily suspended a ruling that struck them down.

The new ruling intensified the disarray in state government created by the passage of — and subsequent legal fight over — the laws, passed in a December lame-duck session just before Evers took office.

The ruling, issued Wednesday by a three-judge panel of the state District III Court of Appeals, temporarily stayed a ruling issued last week by Dane County Circuit Court Judge Richard Niess.

Democratic Gov. Tony Evers and GOP lawmakers sparred Wednesday about who is at fault for the chaos. They also clashed over the status of 82 state government appointments made by former Gov. Scott Walker, which Evers rescinded after last week’s ruling.

Evers’ office contended the appointments, which include a University of Wisconsin System Regent and a Public Service Commissioner, remain vacant. But an attorney for Republican lawmakers said the Walker appointees are back in their jobs. The court did not weigh in on that question.


1952, 27 March 2019


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    The only correct decision to reign in a foaming liberal judge out of control.

  2. Le Roi du Nord

    Methinks you are the one foaming….

  3. jjf

    The foam show up after he gets around to evolution and homosexuals and intersectionality.

  4. Mar

    Gee, sounds like a liberal, out of control judge got his butt handed to him.
    Kind of like the 9th Circuit and the Supreme Court.

  5. Mar

    jjf, hate much?
    And remember the old adage about people in glass houses. Like you liking to keep little brown and poor kids away from rich, mostly white kids.

  6. jjf

    Mar, what’s that you say?  The private religious schools are full of “rich, mostly white kids” and the majority of them were already affording private school tuition on their own before the vouchers came along?  You don’t say!

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