Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2009, 04 Feb 19

Unions Sue to Centralize Government Power in the Executive

Now that the Executive Branch is controlled by Democrats

The plaintiffs include Service Employees International Union, Milwaukee Area Service and Hospitality Workers, American Federation of Teachers and Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals. Nine individual plaintiffs also are listed, including state Sen. Janet Bewley, D-Mason.

The suit contends the laws violate the state constitution by stripping powers from the executive branch. It asks a judge to bar state officials from implementing or enforcing the challenged provisions.

The laws are “a clear attempt by one branch, the Legislature, upset by an electoral outcome affecting another branch, to undo the separation of powers” in the constitution, according to the complaint.


2009, 04 February 2019


  1. steveegg

    They want to “sue and settle” Act 10 out of existence.

  2. jjf

    Yeah, Kev, we should get rid of all this balance of powers stuff, and just have a strong Executive!

  3. jjf

    Whoops, confused Kev and Steve.

  4. Le Roi du Nord

    The executive branch power was just fine when walker in on the throne, but now it isn’t.  Hypocrites.

  5. jjf

    Yeah, where are the strict Constitutionalists with Trump on the throne?  So quiet, so quiet.

  6. Le Roi du Nord

    Sorry, that should be “was”.

  7. Jason

    jff, LeRoy, You two are bringing up nothing burgers.

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