Boots & Sabers

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2042, 22 Jul 18

Seattle Sued Over Gun Regulation

I love the response here.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) has filed a lawsuit against Seattle over the city’s new gun legislation.

The NRA, a gun rights group called The Second Amendment Foundation and two gun-owning Seattle individuals accuse the city of violating the state’s preemption statute with its new “safe storage” gun law, according to KOMO News.

The law, passed earlier this year, orders gun owners to safely store firearms or face fines of up to $10,000. The steepest fine would occur if a minor uses an unsecured firearm to cause injury or commit a crime.

The city of Seattle, Mayor Jenny Durkan (D), the Seattle Police Department and Police Chief Carmen Best are all named as defendants in the lawsuit.

The lawsuit, filed Friday, claims that Washington state law prohibits Seattle and other localities from adopting gun laws that supersede state authority.

“Seattle seems to think it should be treated differently than any other local government when it comes to firearm regulation,” Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, told KOMO News. “We should not have to repeatedly remind Seattle that they are still part of Washington state and must obey the law.”

Durkan responded to the lawsuit in a statement, saying that the safe storage law is needed to “prevent tragedies,” and that city officials will “continue to push for more protection for our children.”

In the Mayor’s mind, it doesn’t matter if the law is illegal or unconstitutional. It’s for the “greater good,” as she sees it, so all opposition and finer points of law are irrelevant.


2042, 22 July 2018


  1. Jason

    Maybe the city of Seattle should be providing safe shooting areas and free ammo to people addicted to guns?   I mean they are already providing free needles, safe rooms, and on-staff nurses for drug addicts?  Seems like they’re being selective in their vices!

  2. dad29

    Thank God I lost all my guns in a tragic canoe accident.  Seattle children are safe!!

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