Be sure to get out and vote today. There are only three contested races on my ballot this cycle.
First, there is the contested election for the West Bend School Board. I’ll be voting for Ryan Gieryn, Bob Miller, and Richard Cammack. You can read why here.
Second, there is the election for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. I’ll be voting for Lowell Holtz. You can see why here.
Third, Judge Todd Martens is defending his seat as a Washington County Circuit Court Judge from challenger Robert Olson. I hadn’t written about this election, but I’ll be voting for Martens. Essentially, I have not heard anything negative about how Martens has been ruling or running his court. There isn’t a compelling reason to change.
Olson, who is a practicing attorney in West Bend and has represented clients in front of Martens, has brought up some serious concerns about the fairness of Martens’ courtroom and doubt about whether defendants are getting a fair shake. Those are very serious concerns. I think we all want a fair judicial system. That being said, I have not seen any evidence to back up Olson’s concerns. I’ll be voting for Martens, but we should all watch our judges a little closer to make sure they are fair and balanced, so to speak.
This is one of those elections where turnout will likely be below 20% statewide. That means that each individual vote carries a bit more weight. Get out and vote!
Judge Todd Martens is probably most worthy of being reelected, but Olson deserves an “atta boy” for trying – very rare to see sitting judges challenged at election time, once appointed or elected for the first time, it becomes a career position.
As I voted for WI Supreme Court Justice Annette Ziegler today, I recalled that this is the first time in a long time that this was a race with no opposition.
Don’t forget about the Milwaukee referendum on the $60 county wheel tax.