Boots & Sabers

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0843, 02 Jan 17

Spring Elections Are Around the Corner

It’s a brand new year and another year of exercising our right and duty to choose our leaders. I’ve often shared my opinion that local bodies of government are often the ones that have the most impact on our daily lives. Unfortunately, they are also often the most overlooked governments. Spring in Wisconsin means that it’s time to elect people to run our local units of government and choose many of the judges, District Attorneys, Sheriffs, and whatnot.

In little ol’ West Bend, we have a few key elections coming up. Half of the seats on the City Council and the Mayor are up for election. It looks like there will be a contested race for judge, which is unusual but good to see. Three seats for the School Board are up. In that race, two of the incumbents are not running for reelection, so the race is wide open.

Serving as an elected official in one of these governments can be time consuming and frustrating, but it can also be extremely rewarding. If you are able, please consider throwing your hat into the ring. The reality is that someone will win these elections and if you don’t do it, it might be your jackass socialist brother-in-law or that bubble-brained barista that ends up making important decisions that directly impact your home, kids, and wallet.

If you’re considering running for one of these local offices, you don’t have to decide everything right away, but you do have to get started. You have to file a notice of candidacy by 5 PM tomorrow if you’re interested. After that, you’ll have to get nomination signatures and stuff, but all you have to do tomorrow is file a paper with the appropriate office to say that you’re interested in running. If you’ve never run for office, don’t sweat it. West Bend ain’t that big a town. Send me an email and I’d be happy to direct you to people who can help show you the ropes.

It’s a new year full of opportunities and responsibilities!

UPDATE: I’m moving this comment from Kevin up to the post. I was mistaken in that you do need signatures by tomorrow if you’re going to run. It’s usually pretty easy to get enough for most people.

For nearly all local offices the follwing 3 things are required by tommorrow, 5P.M.:

1.) Declaration of Candidacy, which you just sign with local clerk.

2.) Nomination signatures, which clerk can get you copies to circulate.

3.) Campaign registration statement, which you can just fill out with clerk with #1.


0843, 02 January 2017


  1. Kevin Scheunemann


    For nearly all local offices the follwing 3 things are required by tommorrow, 5P.M.:

    1.) Declaration of Candidacy, which you just sign with local clerk.

    2.) Nomination signatures, which clerk can get you copies to circulate.

    3.) Campaign registration statement, which you can just fill out with clerk with #1.

    It’s important to start today, if you need to get nomination signatures and return them to clerk properly filled out by tomorrow.

    Some local offices, like Kewaskum School Board, you can just stop by and fill out a form to declare.

    The real only exception to not getting nomination signatures in by tomorrow is if incumbant fails to file a declaration of non-candidacy and fails to file for re-election by tomorrows deadline, then that office only, is extended 3 days for submitting nomination signatures/other paperwork.

  2. Le Roi du Nord

    I agree that local elections are important for all of us, and encourage everyone to get involved with the process.  The shame is that the current administration in Madison is so opposed to allowing the locals to make local decisions.

    A couple corrections to point out:  the county Sheriff is elected in the fall partisan election.  Even if unopposed, they are elected in the fall.

    The clerk doesn’t give you copies of “nomination signatures”, but rather the forms on which to get the signatures.  Make sure you fill out each form correctly, make sure the signers live in the proper jurisdiction, and always get a few extras in case some names are rejected.

    I’m running unopposed again, so I’m sure Owen and Kevin consider me the” jackass socialist brother-in-law” of my Township, but those are just cheap insults from folks that don’t respect anyone that disagrees with them. My constituents tend to disagree, and that is who really matters.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann


    What township?

    Why do you as a public official, hide behind a screen name?

    Are you not proud of being associated with what you say here?

  4. Le Roi du Nord

    What does it matter to you?  You don’t live here, would never vote for me, so it makes no difference.  Or are you deflecting the discussion from your error?

  5. Kevin Scheunemann


    Just saying, as a public official, you should be willing to acknowledge something you have said with true transparency.

    I’ll bite.  What error?

    The only error I see is your tortutred intepretation of what I said.


  6. Le Roi du Nord

    Grasping at straws again, eh Kevin?  You don’t believe anything besides your own narrow world view, why would that change no.

    “Nomination signatures, which clerk can get you copies to circulate”.   It has long been evident that reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit so I will make this pretty simple:  The clerk doesn’t give you the signatures (well maybe yours does) but the proper and legal way is that you meet voters from your district, town, etc., introduce yourself and what you are running for, and ask them if they would sign the nomination papers. If that isn’t the way it is done in Kewaskum then maybe there is an ethics violation in the making…..

  7. Kevin Scheunemann


    Maybe, just maybe, reading comprehension is your problem.

    The list item is clearly saying you need need nomination signatures and clerk can get you copies to be able to circulate. It is also clearly on a punch list of papers to acquire and EXECUTE and return to clerks office.

    Only you would misconstrue something so simple.

    Pretty funny when it comes from a public official unwilling to be transparent with public about his identity.

  8. Le Roi du Nord

    “The list item is clearly saying you need need nomination signatures and clerk can get you copies to be able to circulate”.

    No, Kevin, that isn’t the way it works.  Sad that you and your clerk don’t know that as it is required for placement on the ballot.

    The rest is just deflection.  Rather than admit to the oops, you make excuses.

  9. Kevin Scheunemann


    Clerk hands me copies of nomination papers.  I get signatures.  Return.

    What is so hard to figure out from my statement?


  10. Le Roi du Nord

    Nothing, I knew it was inaccurate as soon as I read it.   The clerk gave you the forms for citizens to sign, not “Nomination signatures, which clerk can get you copies to circulate”.   You screwed up, own it.  Now have the last word.

  11. Kevin Scheunemann


    The only thing I need to own is engaging in a complete non issue with you this long.

    However, I still consider it my duty to help you because you are a little slow sometimes.

  12. penquin

    In all fairness, if Kevin is from Waukesha county (and running as a Republican) then the nomination forms may very well come with the signatures already on ’em….they tend to play by their own “rules” in that clerk’s office.

  13. Kevin Scheunemann


    I never said nomination papers come with signatures, that was Nord’s delusional interpretation.

    I inly indicated one can pick up COPIES of nonination papers.

    Did simple reading comprehension drop 90 percentage points this week?

  14. Kevin Scheunemann


    I never said nomination papers come with signatures, that was Nord’s delusional interpretation.

    I only indicated one can pick up COPIES of nonination papers.

    Did simple reading comprehension drop 90 percentage points this week?

  15. Le Roi du Nord


    Here is what he said, “Nomination signatures, which clerk can get you copies to circulate”.   Even if he denies it twice in a row, it is still wrong.

    Stand strong.

  16. penquin

    Lighten up, Francis.  Of course everyone knew what you actually meant, even tho you phrased it poorly. It’s just really funny watching you double-down on this one.

    Kudos to all for encouraging Average Citizen in running for office.

  17. Kevin Scheunemann

    Francis? Nord will have kittens if his liberal reading comprehension links that to my secret identity at the Vatican. :-)

  18. Le Roi du Nord

    Nope, no kittens, as I have read your numerous condemnations of the pope.  You couldn’t carry his jock.

  19. penquin

    Is the Pope’s jock as fancy as his hat? ’cause if that is the case, very few of us could carry it.

    The link in that 4:57pm post should explain the reference…you’re both good with tiny details – should be easy to spot.  ;)

  20. Le Roi du Nord


    Probably is.

    Bazinga !

  21. Kevin Scheunemann


    That jock comment must be your attempt at civility and decency.

    You may have to try again.

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