Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1943, 02 Jan 17


Judge Protects Religious Freedom

It’s a good victory for the 1st Amendment. Let’s hope it isn’t a temporary one.

Washington (CNN)A federal judge halted protections for transgender individuals that were found in the Affordable Care Act, issuing the injunction just a day before the safeguards would go into effect.

US District Judge Reed O’Connor in Texas halted the protections for their treatments and for abortion-related services, siding with the state of Texas against the Obama administration on Saturday.
“Plaintiffs claim the Rule’s interpretation of sex discrimination pressures doctors to deliver healthcare in a manner that violates their religious freedom and thwarts their independent medical judgment and will require burdensome changes to their health insurance plans on January 1, 2017,” O’Connor wrote. “Plaintiffs argue the new regulation will require them to perform and provide insurance coverage for gender transitions and abortions, regardless of their contrary religious beliefs or medical judgment.”

1943, 02 January 2017



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