Boots & Sabers

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1114, 02 Jan 17

Democrats Considering Running for Governor

It’s interesting that Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele isn’t on this list. Perhaps the Democratic Party of Wisconsin has gone so far left that they can’t even contemplate someone who is socially liberally but has shown a smidge of common sense on fiscal matters.

Democratic National Committee member Jason Rae said the four names he hears the most are Vinehout, Dane County Executive Joe Parisi, State Rep. Dana Wachs, a lawyer from Eau Claire, and Jefferson County District Attorney Susan Happ, who won the Democratic nomination for attorney general in 2014 but lost to Republican Brad Schimel.

Also contemplating a run is retired state Sen. Tim Cullen, D-Janesville, who said he expects to make an announcement in early 2017.

Here are my knee-jerk responses…

Vinehout: Strongest candidate with a lot of weaknesses.

Parisi: Madison liberal. Can’t win in rest of state.

Wachs: Who?

Happ: Already lost a statewide election.

Cullen: Ancient Democrat who couldn’t get enough support from his own party to challenge Walker during the recall.

I’m liking Walker’s odds if he chooses to run again.


1114, 02 January 2017


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Already have campaign sogan for next Democrat:

    “Vote for us, so we can bring back economic failure to WI.”

    No charge.   They can just steal that one from me for free.

    I’m a giver.


  2. Le Roi du Nord

    Rather than a knee-jerk reaction I’ll give you my studied one:

    Vinehout : Strong in ways that walker isn’t, and more.  Smart, takes on tough issues, fiscal moderate, not from Madison or Milwaukee,  and will look you in the eye when talking to you.  Plus she isn’t afraid to meet with the public.

    Wachs:  Pretty much the same as Vinehout, but doesn’t have the name recognition yet.  If you lived in western WI you would know him.

    Cullen:  Yup, he is old, but so is the donald.  And Cullen is waaaay smarter, and have a proven track record of working with both sides of the aisle..  And I believe your claim in incorrect.


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