Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

2020, 19 Dec 16

New Plan for Old Theater

There was some movement (sort of) on the West Bend Theater and the Bridge to Nowhere during the Council meeting tonight. The Washington County Insider has the details.

Dec. 19, 2016 – West Bend, WI – During Monday night’s West Bend Common Council meeting an update about the downtown Business Improvement District (BID) and its timeline on removing or refurbishing the pedestrian bridge morphed into a proposal about the future of the West Bend Theatre.

David Stroik, president and CEO of Zimmerman Architectural Studios made the presentation. He outlined saving the façade of the theatre along with the iconic marquee and turning the rest into an open-air park.

“In a way it’s like a Western storefront but the façade of the building and the easterly 12 – 15 feet would be saved,” said Stroik.

Drawings showed the front of the theatre building intact with trees and green space visible through the door frames.

Stroik said the 3-story brick façade, which previously housed the projection room for the theatre, would help maintain the structural viability of the building; he said that space could eventually hold restrooms.


2020, 19 December 2016


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