Boots & Sabers

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0651, 04 Nov 16

Questions remain for Kewaskum referendum

Here’s another letter to the editor about the Kewaskum school referendum.

Huge voter decisions, including a $28.4M dollar school referendum, loom. The administration’s “conceptual” plan is excessive, creating a range of unanswered questions.

For me, the best option is to vote no, sending the process back for further sharpening of pencils. Saying no doesn’t mean you’re against education. Nothing ends by saying no.

Saying no allows time to create an improved, less expensive approach that’s best for both education and the resident taxpayers that fund it.

Each referendum debt lasts 20 years. This referendum question is nearly three times what the 1999 referendum question was and we’re still paying for that one!

Borrowing less is best. It minimizes the affect of interest rates. Doing projects in stages is better than bundling as we’ll know where we stand financially with each phase. P Public education is dependent on tax money and the administration’s always seeking more, yet they continue to waste tax dollars in many ways that it’s clear to me what their priority is. The proposed two-stage gym costs several million dollars. It makes far more sense to invest in technical education than gymnasiums. With student enrollment flat or decreasing, state subsidies will decrease and any facility expansion debt will fall squarely on taxpaying residents.

Most district employees don’t live in this community but sure push for this debt, specifically the superintendent ($158,988.12 annual salary), with no local tax dollars ever paying the debt. When is enough going to be enough?

Vote no and send this back, just like Campbellsport. We can do better.

Bradley A. Petersen Kewaskum


0651, 04 November 2016


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