Boots & Sabers

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1210, 18 Aug 16

Changing Prices

Here’s an interesting chart from the American Enterprise Institute.



Does anything jump out at you? What jumps out at me is that the goods and services whose prices have increased the most are also the ones that are the most subsidized and managed by government. The goods and services whose prices have declined are those that participate more aggressively in the free market.

Despite what some folks like to champion, the free market works. Every time.


1210, 18 August 2016


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    When government is not involved, market tends to keep prices steady or drive prices down.

    When liberals screw up an industry, by heavily subdidizing it, the prices go crazy.

    Another example of liberals hurting the poor.

  2. Le Roi du Nord


  3. Kevin Scheunemann


    I know math can be hard, but the inflation crazy industries in chart above are the industries with most government interference and government subsidy.

    In other words, industries liberals have destroyed with socialist policies.

  4. Le Roi du Nord


    The nonsense comment was in response to your ”

    When liberals screw up an industry, by heavily subdidizing it, the prices go crazy.

    Another example of liberals hurting the poor”, nonsense.

    example:  The state of WI has less $$ in the UW system now then it did in 1996.

    It’s really funny, even hysterical, for you to comment on anybodys math skills.   Especially when you “select” which items to chart.

  5. Kevin Scheunemann


    Your little tidbit ignores the fact liberals kept raising tuition recklessly until Walker froze tuition !

    Reckless tuition raising increased Federal government subsidy and burdened the already heavy yoke of student debt.

    What I never got was: liberal students always protest tuition hikes. Liberal academia always screwed them. Walker freezes tuition and liberal students fail to celebrate.

    It’s like liberals want to be slaves to liberal academic education slave masters.

    Go figure.

  6. Le Roi du Nord

    “Your little tidbit ignores the fact liberals kept raising tuition recklessly until Walker froze tuition !

    Reckless tuition raising increased Federal government subsidy and burdened the already heavy yoke of student debt”.

    Most of that statement makes no sense.  What can be deciphered isn’t true.  The plot of college tuition is just as steep during periods of republican leadership as it is under “liberal” leadership.

    If what you claim (“When liberals screw up an industry, by heavily subdidizing it, the prices go crazy”),  is true, which it isn’t, explain the price of new cars.  Thanks

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