Boots & Sabers

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1438, 01 Jul 16

Wisconsin GOP Swaps Out National Delegates

Interesting choices.

Republicans have swapped out a half-dozen alternates and delegates for the national convention, including Rep. Jim Steineke, who announced this spring he was dropping out with Donald Trump on the verge of becoming the GOP nominee.

The replacements include Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, who has urged Republicans to support Trump to help GOP candidates down ballot.

The party originally announced in April its list of at-large delegates and alternates. The original list included Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch and Mike Grebe, who has spent the past 14 years as CEO of the conservative Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, among the at-large delegates.

With the recent scuttlebutt about a delegate revolt at the convention, it is not too far fetched to think that such a movement couldn’t start in the Wisconsin delegation. After all, Trump lost hard in Wisconsin and many Wisconsin GOP stalwarts are staunch conservatives with little love for Trump. But as more Trump opponents are replaced by Trump loyalists, the possibility of Wisconsin’s delegates launching a coup diminishes.



1438, 01 July 2016


  1. wheelchairindia

    Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.
    Cast Shoe

    Keep Posting:)

  2. Jeff Simpson

    I love how the people that helped create Trump are running from their own creation

  3. Northern Pike

    Agreed, Jeff.

    Make Republicans pay through the nose for what they created. No Democrat running for office should deliver a speech that doesn’t contain the phrase “Donald Trump and the Republicans.”

  4. Kevin Scheunemann


    And no Republican should be running out there without saying, “Treasonous Hillary Clinton and the Democrats”.

    Then the political banter is on the same level.

  5. Northern Pike


    To keep the political banter at the same level, you need to drop the adjective.

    I can understand, however, why you may want to un-level the playing field. Democrats aren’t scared of Republicans saying “Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.” Republicans recoil into the fetal position if Democrats say “Donald Trump and the Republicans.”

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