Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

1637, 09 Apr 16

Racine Teachers Union Campaigns On Campus

I wonder if other groups can do this too.

RACINE — Ahead of Tuesday’s elections, members of the Racine Education Association reportedly distributed a card in schools endorsing nine candidates for the Racine Unified School Board.

It’s a practice which the school does not prohibit under its rules, but that the Government Accountability Board advises against.

The “palm cards” were specifically for REA members, according to Naomi Baden, executive director of union’s coordinating body the Racine Education UniServ Council, noting that the cards distributed by building representatives were not intended for students or non-REA staff.

“(The REA) asked reps to provide that personally, one on one, to people, not by mail,” Baden said. She noted that REA members, who are teachers, passed out the cards during lunch breaks or off-duty time.

The cards list nine union-backed candidates for the School Board — eight of whom ultimately won seats — saying that “Racine-area educators, students and parents recommend the following pro-public education candidates for the School Board. Take this card with you to the polls.” It also gives instructions on early voting on and how to find a polling place.


1637, 09 April 2016


  1. Mike

    Teachers hold a position of power over students. What happens to a student that speaks out with a political view contrary to the teachers?

  2. old baldy


    In our district, particularly in classes that require some critical thinking, it is encouraged. Nothing better than a challenge to the norm to start a lively discussion.

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