Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1734, 03 Nov 15

Holdouts in Senate Delay GAB Reform

Get it done, already.

Senate Republicans continue to be hung up on whether to include retired judges in one of the commissions that would replace the GAB.

Senate GOP leaders had hoped to be in today to take up the legislation, along with one to overhaul Wisconsin’s campaign finance laws. But without a deal on either bill, they pulled the plug on today’s planned floor meeting.

Myranda Tanck, a spokeswoman for Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, said members have been told to keep open the rest of the week for possible floor action with Wednesday and Thursday the last days scheduled for a regular session period this year.

She also raised the prospect the Legislature could come back in extraordinary session to deal with the bills. That’s, in part, because the Senate may make changes to both bills, which already cleared the Assembly.

“We haven’t ruled that out,” she said.


1734, 03 November 2015


  1. Jerry

    Hats off to these handful of senators who are willing to put people before party and need before power grabbing greed. These guys are risking their jobs because they know that not going along with Walker and the party’s directive they could find themselves with a primary opponent loaded with campaign cash just like what Walker, Vos and Fitz did to Sen. Dale SCHULTZ!

  2. Steve Austin

    I’d encourage people to call and email the offices of these four holdouts.

    And if you live in their districts, recruit someone sharp locally like Owen to get a politically accountability blog going via social media.

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