Boots & Sabers

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1409, 23 May 15

Blaze Pink

A show of bipartisanship in Madison.


Real men could wear pink in the woods under a bill legislators are preparing to unveil next week that would legalize blaze pink for hunters.

Rep. Nick Milroy, a Democrat from South Range in northwestern Wisconsin, plans to hold a news conference Tuesday to announce the measure. A Milroy aide said Friday that Milroy was vacationing in the Boundary Waters and couldn’t be reached for comment on the bill’s details.

Sen. Terry Moulton, a Chippewa Falls Republican, wrote in a column for the Dunn County News this week that the bill is designed to encourage more women to try hunting. He said a University of Wisconsin-Madison textile expert performed experiments for the legislators and determined that blaze pink is just as visible as blaze orange in the wild.

Honestly, I think the bill is stupid. How shallow are we to think that the way to attract more women to hunting is to allow them to wear pink? Really… what woman is going to say to herself, “gee, I wasn’t going to go hunting, but since I get to wear pink now, I’m IN!”? And if that really is her decision process, do I want her in the woods with me with a firearm?

I prefer to keep one color for hunters so that there can be no doubt about where they are.


1409, 23 May 2015


  1. SteveAustin

    Agreed. Blaze orange is they safety standard and has been for decades. Given the fact the entire hunting community is attuned to this, it seems absolutely ridiculous to make a change to a massive safety standard for some specious reason.

  2. Jadedly Unbiased

    Legislators actually paid someone to do experiments. Glad to see my tax dollars hard at work. Unbelievable!!!

  3. west bend observer

    Mind boggling that our reps come up with this BS to increase numbers. Try talking to hunters if you want true answers. Does anyone really believe more women will start hunting because they can wear pink? We really have no important issues so I guess you may as well manufacture something.

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