Boots & Sabers

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0934, 09 May 15

Walker Scraps Plans to Merge WEDC

This agency still needs something done with it. It isn’t performing well. What’s the plan, gov?

MADISON — Republican Gov. Scott Walker abruptly scrapped plans Friday to merge the troubled Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation with an agency that provides low-interest housing loans, a decision that came just hours after a scathing audit found WEDC hasn’t tracked job creation or complied with state law.



0934, 09 May 2015

1 Comment

  1. Jadedly Unbiased

    Sen. Robert Cowles, R-Green Bay, statement “WEDC’s inability to solve its problems is unacceptable” is telling. Anytime a venture is “a public/private partnership” higher scrutiny should be given. This creates a prime atmosphere for corruption. I find it hard to believe the audit didn’t have some impact on the opinions being given and to the final outcome. Until the time comes when WEDC can properly manage itself I believe this was the right decision. I would support a merger in the future (issues corrected).

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