Boots & Sabers

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0702, 22 Apr 15

Meeting about Bucks Arena Deal

They are meeting today.

Milwaukee Bucks president Peter Feiginsaid he is confident the team and public officials will reach an agreement on up to $250 million in public funding for a new arena in downtown Milwaukee.

Feigin, speaking to a group of commercial real estate executives in Milwaukee, said he is hopeful about making progress on public funding Wednesday when the Bucks meet with state and local government leaders in Madison. Included in the meeting will be Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and Milwaukee County ExecutiveChris Abele, both of whom some Republican legislative leaders have singled out for not committing more money to the project.

State Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) is convening the meeting that also is expected to include a representative of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s office.

Note that while the Bucks arena is being planned for Milwaukee, the Democratic leaders of the city and the county don’t appear very interested in crafting a deal. It is a senator from Juneau doing the heavy lifting to try to get a deal done.


0702, 22 April 2015


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