Boots & Sabers

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2134, 16 Feb 15

Walker Proposes Making State Parks Self-Sustainable

If the parks can be made to be self-supporting, then we can eliminate taxpayer funding for them.

In place of tax revenue, the governor is proposing that operation of the state park system be funded by entrance and campsite fees.

Walker’s budget calls for the cost of an annual state park pass to rise by $3 to $28 a year. Nightly campsite fees, which currently range from $12 to $22, would increase by $2. There’s an additional fee of $9.70 per reservation through Wisconsin’s privately operated online reservation service.

As a frequent guest of Wisconsin’s state parks, I think this is a great idea. There’s no reason why people who enjoy using the parks can’t pay for them.


2134, 16 February 2015


  1. Dave

    $3 increase is not bad. If you say no general revenue money ever you risk closing state parks. Also as the price rises you you price out more and more of the general public from use. The parks are one of those pesky benefits designed to be accessible to all citizens of the state. To bring the greatest good to the greatest number and to preserve natural settings for all to enjoy. Pricing large segments of the public out defeats that purpose. Luckily we don’t have oil under the parks or the Gov. would propose oil and gas exploration like Ohio!

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    Self sustaining parks by user fees is a fine idea..but

    Can it be more sustainable under better management?

    The DNR is, perhaps, the worst agency (the only possible exception being the DOR) in the state when it comes to “customer service”.

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