Boots & Sabers

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0707, 17 Dec 14

Randy Koehler’s Comments

Randy Koehler, the incumbent West Bend alderman for District 4, drafted a letter to the citizens of West Bend

As your District 4 alderman I wish to explain the facts surrounding the notion that I advocate for raising taxes.

Each quarter we are given a financial update and forecast to track our current and future budget. For the past year we have been given information that shows the city tax rate increasing by $1.43 beginning with a 47-cent increase in year 2016. I only asked that the issue be placed on the table and discussed so the public is fully aware of the challenges we face.

As proven by my voting record over the past 3.5 years, I have never asked for nor voted for a tax increase, I have only asked that the issue be discussed so as to not catch our citizens by surprise if it ultimately has to happen.

I will continue to work with our city leaders to reduce expenses, increase revenues, create operating efficiencies and find creative solutions to keep our taxes flat.

Since 2012 we have seen $35.1 million in new investment in our city, 275 new jobs and the retention of 341 jobs. The total cost to operate the city in 2011 was $28.7 million, in 2015 it is $25.5 million a reduction of more than $3 million and the number of full-time employees has gone down from 260 to 213.

I have and will continue to be the person you elected by staying independent and voting as a taxpayer and citizen of this city. Proven experience and proven knowledge results in an effective leader. I look forward to serving you and ask that you vote based upon facts and not upon hearsay and misconception.

Randy Koehler West Bend


0707, 17 December 2014

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann


    That is all wonderful sounding…but did you ever point out where Judy Steffes originally misquoted you? (as you originally claimed here on B & S.)

    If so, a public apology to Judy would probably be in order.

    Further compounding her accurate reporting of your quotes by using terms like “hearsay” and “misconception” does not really help your case.

    I understand your point of view about your original quote, concerning your need to raise taxes, but to still accuse those who accurately reported the quote raises some character questions in my mind.

    I would not consider voting for you (if I lived in your district) until you admit the original quote, at issue in this debate, was accurate (which you don’t dispute) and Judy Steffes got it right (which you seem to admit by your letter), but still continue to attack as if something reported by Judy Steffes was “hearsay” or a “misconception”.

    Just some helpful advice, in case you are serious about being open and honest in the future.

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