Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1228, 09 Dec 14

Walker Should Be Clear on His Positions

Jessica McBride nails it.

I actually think Walker opposes gay marriage and amnesty, wants to kill the Kenosha casino, and will NOT veto right-to-work legislation. Wish he’d just come out and say it. In the words of Machiavelli, “But they took that middle course which is pernicious in the extreme, when the question to be decided affects the fate of men.”


1228, 09 December 2014


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    I fear Walker is in his presidential posture. The Hillary Clinton apporach…take no controversial stand while running.

    If you can’t get elected for what you honestly stand for, you shouldn’t be elected.

    The left is going to hate on Walker no matter what, you might as well have it be for what you stand for.

    Jessica Mcbride nailed this.

    You can say it Scott:

    1.) Gay marriage is wrong.
    2.) Amnesty is not a good idea.
    3.) Kenosha casino needs to be tanked because of the bad deal Doyle inflicted on us with Potawatomi. (saying Yes may cost State money under the Potawatomi compact).
    4.) right to work need to be passed.

  2. The Bystander

    Did she mention anything about adultery? By the way “Jessica McBride nails it” is a hilarious Freudian slip. Sometimes she just won’t stop

  3. Robert

    Let the troll without sin cast the first stone.

  4. The Bystander


    Perhaps you’d like to join me in wishing Ms. McBride and Governor Walker both a hearty “Molotov” to mark Chanukah this year.

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