Boots & Sabers

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0620, 29 Oct 14

Burke Fired From Trek

Wow. Burke has based her entire electoral justification on her alleged business acumen despite the numerous red flags that she is incompetent as an executive. This puts a nail in that coffin if anyone in the electorate cares anymore.

D. Kittle / October 28, 2014 / No Comments

By M.D. Kittle | Wisconsin Reporter

MADISON, Wis. – In attempting to explain her two-year work hiatus in the early to mid-1990s, Democratic candidate for governor Mary Burke has said she was just burned out after an intense period of leading European operations for Trek Bicycle Corp. , her family’s Waterloo-based global manufacturer.

In fact, Burke apparently was fired by her own family following steep overseas financial losses and plummeting morale among Burke’s European sales staff, multiple former Trek executives and employees told Wisconsin Reporter.

The sales team threatened to quit if Burke was not removed from her position as director of European Operations, according to Gary Ellerman, who served as Trek’s human resources director for more than 21 years. His account was confirmed by three other former employees.

“She was not performing. She was (in) so far over her head. She didn’t understand the bike business,” said Ellerman who started with Trek in 1992, at the tail end of Burke’s first stint as a manager at Trek.


0620, 29 October 2014


  1. foo

    Is that the same Gary Eller men who ran as a fake democrat in the recall elections?

  2. foo

    And his LinkedIn profile shows him at track for 11 years seven months:)

  3. Guy

    “21 years” was apparently a typo in the original. The article now says “12 years” with a note mentioning that there was a correction.

    Also, it is spelt “Trek” as you might notice from the title of the post.

    Pictures of the Gary Ellerman (so spelt, not “Gary Eller men”) who ran in the recall election are identical to pictures of the Gary Ellerman who used to work at Trek.

    All of these facts could be learned in less than two minutes on Google, but I suppose that if you had actually obtained concrete information it would be less easy to go around insinuating unreliability.

  4. foo

    Thanks guy for confirming that that’s the same Ellerman that ran as a fake Democrat in the recall elections.

    And from what I’ve heard today he was asked to leave Trek because of differences over policy or philosophy or something like that.

    Oh and you’ll have to talk to Siri about the spelling she doesn’t get it right every time but I usually let her go on it :-)

  5. Kevin Scheunemann

    “fake Democrat”?

    You mean there is a litmus test to be a “real” Democrat?

    Does the test involve rejecting all rational thought and economic sense?

  6. foo

    No Kev, I think you are confusing republicans with democrats:-)

  7. Kevin Scheunemann

    Pretty funny there foo.

    However, I don’t belong to the party that has members that believe in retro-active abortion until age 5, that doesn’t want drug testing for welfare recipients (thus fueling their destructive drug habit), and attacking the first amendment under guise of “campaign finance”.

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